Anais Collins



5 years, 3 months ago


🍜 Name: Anais Collins

🍜 Nickname: Annie (by friends/family)

🍜 Age: 18

🍜 Birthday: March 14th

🍜 Height: 5'5"

🍜 Sexuality: Lesbian

🍜 Appearance: Anais has a hourglass body type, and she's a little overweight but otherwise in good shape, since she does yoga on her free time. She has brown eyes, weathered cayenne skin color, and wild hair, some that she puts in two buns. She's really into lolita fashion. Like her siblings, she also has somewhat of a Kenyan accent.

🍜 Personality: Anais is pretty outgoing and carefree, and she's polite for the most part (except around her siblings and really close friends). She enjoys camping, eating out, and baking. She's pretty sensitive, like she'll start tearing up if you raise her voice at her. She can also be a little blunt sometimes. She likes to learn foreign languages just for fun, right now she's teaching herself German.

🍜 Bio: Anais is one of the few family members to attend GOH rather than Ridgebrook, since she thought she would like it better over there. She's very close to her parents and siblings, she's personally closer to Dario. She's following her older siblings' footsteps by planning to go to college right after graduating from highschool. She's also dragged to rallies and stuff by Cassia and Dario, but she doesn't complain since she gets to have some free stuff, lmao.

🍜 Fun facts:

• She's vegan

• Her favorite foods are soup and crispy tofu

• She's afraid of clown LOL

• She plays with Dario's guinea pig, ozzy, when he's gone bc Dario is so possessive over it omg

• :3c