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Lion = 4 Human = 21
Panthera Leo (Lion)
African (East)
Pride Female (Alpha)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc feugiat sollicitudin pellentesque. Pellentesque dapibus justo mollis tortor feugiat, aliquam finibus dolor pellentesque. Donec commodo tempus sapien, eget tempor erat semper at. Sed feugiat dolor augue, at sodales ante dignissim non. Etiam non commodo nisi. Morbi sit amet ornare magna. Donec posuere ornare massa, quis malesuada lacus volutpat congue. Ut lectus ligula, accumsan non orci a, tincidunt posuere ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Fusce tristique blandit purus, in scelerisque lacus eleifend a. Sed venenatis ligula nisi, sed mollis orci dapibus placerat. Sed non lorem eu leo dapibus fringilla id eget elit. Donec blandit, odio a fermentum consectetur, elit erat blandit urna, a gravida orci libero eget nisl.

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Huruma Huruma is the Elder Sibling of Zanika. She never did want the Alpha position so she took up the "Elder" position instead. She Adores her sister to the ends of the earth. Here are some words from Huruma about Zanika: "Well... She is my sister and yes, we do have our moments where i could just kill her... but i love her so much more. She has a harsh temper sometimes but only because she has many worries and fears. She is a fantastic leader withe her families welfare at heart. It is the utmost important thing to her. That her family, her price... Succeeds!


Thalia "As a newcomer to Zanikas pride I must say, the welcomeing was unlike anything i had ever seen before. There was no resistance since once i passed Zanikas thourough investigation, her entire pride welcomed me as one of their own immediately. I was a wanderer, exchanging my tales for food and warmth every now and then. However I have already had a serious think over my prior life and decided that this is now where i shall live out my days. The prides ergonomics are so very strong. They support and aid each other. It is clear to see that they have a Soul-Bond with each other... And all because of Zanika's Leadership and teachings. Under her watchful eye, we sleep safely.


profile html by Hukiolukio