


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Species of Pokemon:



Kero is small, playful and bright. Kero often likes to play with Lock, climbing on his back, riding on his tail and even sleeping beside him much to Lock's dismay.

Kero is almost like a little brother to Lock, young, immature and very new to the whole world. Lock protects him even though he shows an outward no nonsense attuide towards the little shiny Charmader. 

Kero was adopted into the small family of the  Tora team though no fault of their own. Their owner although loved Kero, couldn't give Kero the attention or needs that he needed and so Nexanda was happy to take him under her wing and have Lock not only calm down as a side effect of adopting the shiny Charmander but also having a older more experirenced pokmon teaching Kero the ways of the Tora clan. 

Nexanda asa trainer was able to learn a lot from the smaller charmander which showed him how to make many sweet treats not only viable for pokemon consumtion but also humans so can be used after a well earned battle. 

having wings at such a young age Locks like to fly and haveKero on his back and making sure to keep an eye out on them in the air so kero doesn't injure one's self but having a little fun while up there in doing spins and tricks much to kero's enjoyment even if Lock as trying to scare the little one in vain.