


5 years, 3 months ago


Well, Baki is short for Bakinaage. This is the dude my account is named after. Or... he's named after it, maybe. I'm not really sure which was first.

No point in getting too detailed with the information. Any time my friends and I start a game together, we end up making the same characters, and now
none of us have any idea which of the dozens of conflicting versions of their lives could be considered the actual one. Hahaha!

What I can say with reasonable certainty is that Baki has an older half-brother named Miijim (who belongs to my friend Naomi), and they spent an unknown, but significant, percentage of their lives alone in the middle of nowhere. Most often, this is because they were such horrible children that eventually they weren't welcome anywhere.

Behavior-wise they sometimes remind me of Beavis and Butthead. Partly because Miijim tends to make everything into a dirty joke, and they're always arguing and
hitting eachother over incredibly stupid things. Their exact age now, and at the time they first moved to the forest/desert/tundra/whatever, was never really determined,
and their mom's level of involvement in their lives varies greatly. In some versions, they meet her as adults or never at all. In others, they kind of lived with her for a good
chunk of their childhood, but she was incredibly irresponsible and let them roam around like stray dogs, until finally people complained enough to have them trapped and released into the wild.

Either way, an average day for them plays out the same. Miijim orders Baki around, hunts, fishes, and handles all the tasks he considers too dangerous for Baki.
Baki sticks close to whatever shelter they've built, and does the cooking, gardening, weaving/sewing, and whatever else Miijim considers to be safe and/or for girls.

Beyond that, things start to get too specific. At some point they start trying to creep back into nearby towns to interact, and they meet their friend Reki, the relatively
new third character, belonging to another friend we don't get to see much. We're still trying to find a logical place for her. (I don't know, the whole thing's a big mess of nonsense.) Still, probably a good thing I've finally written this all down somewhere. We've already forgotten a lot of it over time. Pretty sure the original version of Baki
was supposed to be a short, fat little elf with pink hair, who made pig noises. Naomi had come up with him, and suggested I make him on Mabinogi, so she could hand
out free meat to other players and pretend to have butchered me, while I played dead next to the campfire. I guess at this point, it's not so much an earlier version of
this guy as it is a separate, discarded character whose name I ended up reusing after having forgotten all about him. Dang, I do not envy future me if I ever try to come
back here and edit this into something coherent.