


5 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Yuzu Sato

Nickname(s): Zu

Age: 5

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 46 lbs

Nationality: French-Japanese

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Too young to know

Occupation: None

Pets: A cat??? That can also turn into a human??? Tadaaki is his human name, Kin is his cat name.

Relationship Status: Single

Love Interest?: None

Personality: Yuzu is like the rest of her family. She can't express emotions, and was born that way. She can't make friends very easily because of that. She also doesn't speak often, unless she finds a need to. Despite her lack of showing emotion, Yuzu love her family very much, and loves school. She's alone a ton, but doesn't really mind. Yuzu is very clingy to Yuko, Eun, and Yuki. Fairly, it's sweet!

Talents and Hobbies: Yuzu is still discovering things, but seems to be good at origami! Loves drawing, playing games on her tablet, playing around outside.

Likes: Friends, naps, being carried, attention from family, swimming, oversize sweaters.

Dislikes: Trying new things, being bored, the dark, super hot weather.

Condition(s): Alexthymia


Usually always wears a bow or ribbons.