Sully's Comments


Thank you so much to everyone who has participated. The winner can be seen on the tab, but the winner is the one with the ticket number 8 !!
Which is TinyBlueChild .

Congrats! I shall send the bab shortly.

As for everyone else, thank you again!
And be sure to check back next week for more characters that will be raffled. (maybe like 3 or feel free to join Myst which ends on 4/2)

XxSmolQueenxX joakki gloomyghost rhinestonez

Ahhhh yay, thank you so much!! <3

hi i'd like to enter :3

Hello! Thank you for entering !! <3

Your number for the sully raffle is:

Entering +1


I'd love to enter!

I subbed to both, as well as favourited a few of those babies. I was also in a previous raffle for Lillith!!

Hello! Thank you for entering!! <3

Your numbers for the sully raffle are:

Entering +1
Subbed +4
Faved some charas +6

Previous Raffle: +2

7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 37, 38

Hi! I'm entering! n.n

Thank you for entering!! :D

Your numbers for the Sully Raffle are

Entering +1
Subbed to both accounts +4

4, 5, 11, 12, 13

Entering! Just favorited 5 characters and I’ll be subbing after I post this.

(do we need to sub to both?)


Thank you for joining, and no you don't have to sub to both, however, if you do, you get +4 numbers/tickets, instead of +2.
Now for the Sully raffle, your numbers are:

Entering +1
Subbed +4
Faved some charas +6

1, 2, 3, 31, 33, 35, 47, 48, 49, 46, 6

I’ll be subbing to the other as well then! :) Thanks for the opportunity <3


I have added two more numbers to the comment! :D

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Hello your numbers for Sully Raffle are:

Entering +1
Subbed to both accounts +4
Faved some charas +6
Participated in Previous Raffles +2

10, 20, 30, 40 ,50, 23, 24, 25, 32, 34, 36, 41, 42