Merlot Masters



9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Harpy (Robin)




Ayyy, so this is Merlot Masters, my main persona and favorite maneating harpy babe! 


Merlot is the younger brother of Jared Masters, though Jared was fairly old when Mer hatched, so their brotherly relationship might be a bit skewed. To be honest, Mer doesn't care too much for Jared, though the latter feels nothing but Intense Brotherly Affection for the smol bird brother. Mer is a songbird type harpy, specifically an American robin, and takes heavily after his father in that regard. (As opposed to his vulture mother, which Jared took more closely to.) 

As a result, Merlot is rather short, barely breaking over 5 feet at only 5'3'' (not counting the antlers of course). This is further exemplified by the fact that he tends to slouch and has bent digitigrade legs. He's not really bothered by this whatsoever, but it does tend to be an easy target for Jared and others to poke fun at.

Not that poking fun at Mer is all that good of an idea, of course. Merlot has fully inherited his father's rather monstrous appetite, and his preferred meal would be liver. ..Human liver, specifically. Of course, Merlot wouldn't so much say he's inflicted with the genetic type of wendigo psychosis so common in harpies as much as he finds it a part of his personality, and really doesn't see much of a problem with it whatsoever. (Though he does find the antlers a bit annoying at times, they tend to get heavier than even his wings and can put him off balance when he hops about.)

Perhaps as a result of his condition, Merlot owns a butcher shop where he sells exotic meats of all kinds; long pork, meat pies, meat from the most dangerous game...ok maybe it's 100% human flesh, but honestly, that's not an issue, is it? ...Is it?

Well, regardless, Merlot has rather lovingly (or shamelessly) named the shop Wendigo Feast, and he can be found working there most days when he's not taking care of his two sons, Richard and Vincent, and daughter, Billie. Mer has taken rather well to single fatherhood, and likely only reproduced at the request of his parents, since it was pretty obvious Jared wouldn't be procreating anytime soon, what with the lack of a pulse among other things.


Overall, perhaps as a result of his condition, Merlot is a somewhat sleepy and grumpy bird, who's just as likely to take a bite at you as he is to take a liking. He rather begrudgingly allows Jared into his home to do as he wills, but he quite honestly wants nothing to do with Jared's half cocked "undead revolution" and would much rather keep the humans alive and well. (And possibly on the dinner table, gods willing). That isn't to say that Merlot is particularly unfriendly, he's just...a bit more interested in himself than he is in others. After all, it's hard to really become solid friends with someone when the first thing you consider upon meeting someone is their fat to muscle ratio and how fatty their liver might be.

Name: Merlot Theodore Masters
Age: 27
Species: Robin type Harpy
Birthday: October 23rd
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 110 lbs
Occupation: Butcher

Fun facts!

~He often intersperses chirps, coos, and other bird noises with his human speech. This would be adorable if not for the fanged maw and incessant hungry look in his eye.

~Merlot is completely blind in his left eye! How that came to be is unknown. ...or more specifically, he'd really rather not talk about it, thank you very much. As a result, he tends to get a bit more nervous when people are on his left side and prefers to have someone he trusts nearby to guard that flank. (Preferably Jared or one of Jared's Stitched creations, though he'd never admit it out loud.)

~Despite his name, he dislikes drinking and highly disapproves of drunkenness (alcohol sours the liver, after all!)

~Occasionally wears a plague doctor-esque outfit when he's out on the hunt to hide is identity, though not so much anymore. After all, antlered, maneating, robin harpies really aren't that common...It's kind of pointless.

~Before he lost the use of his left eye, it used to be brown. Mer has complete heterochromia, with red in the right, and brown on the left!

~Merlot inherited his mother's Somnumancy, and has a pure honeyed voice. His words alone can put victims into a haze, and ultimately a deep sleep if he's left uninterrupted. Of course, this requires a -lot- of priming, but it can come in handy on occasion! This ability works much better on humans than any other species, with undead and infernal races having a full resistance, unfortunately.


Jared (Brother):