Conrí Royal



5 years, 1 month ago


oh boy! oh boy! oh boy! here he comes!!

- On the surface, he acts like a lighthearted, amicable dumbass. Really, he's a schemer; playing a part in a show nobody else knows of...

- Loves chess. Has made a habit of eating chess pieces, unfortunately.

- Really, he'll eat anything he's either dared/challenged to or told not to. 

- "I'm looking for a good hero since my friend loves heroes and I want to make her happy. And what draws out a good hero better than a good villain?" Is his philosophy, but he's never actually done anything but consensual fights and been a minor and good-natured inconvenience. He actually has a very strong moral code and will get in the way of anyone breaking it.

- He does, however, perform some pretty seedy rituals. He keeps that a secret, though.

- For all his smarts, he doesn't really "get" that Morana is dead, especially since she's still around. So, he continues to look for a hero to cheer her up. He understands she'll have to leave forever when she's satisfied, though.

- His true form is a somewhat spectral black wolf that is heralded as an omen of death and bad luck by humans. He is, as his name suggests, the royal king of hounds.

- Acts like a friendly puppy Always. Or at least like 80% of the time

- The other 10% is dedicated to being unabashedly flirtatious (though, he'll respect boundaries. The second you seem uncomfortable he STOPS and apologizes.) And quiet + contemplative, in varying percentages.

- Really good hunter.


- "fsteak"