Nicolai Vire



9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Human (Undead)


Merry Band Of Necromancers (DPS)


43 (Biologically speaking, chronologically, much older)


TLDR: An undead necromancer who tends to take narcissism to a whole new level, and has a lot to say...out of all three mouths.


Hoo man though. Nicolai. Nicolai, Nicolai, Nico. He is everything that everyone dislikes about necromancers, all wrapped up in one tidy little package. Vain doesn't even begin to describe him, unfortunately. He was one of Jared's earlier recruits--aka resurrections--and as a result, feels a sort of kinship towards him, which is ultimately reciprocated in..well, a pretty terrible black romance.

Having grown up as a human during the midst of war with nonhumans, Nicolai came from a rather well known family known as the Vires, and he is the youngest of three siblings. Growing up in the shadow of his renowned grandfather, Viktor Vire, Nicolai practiced cryomancy from a young age, only developing his necromancy skills later in life. Of course, being a moderately talented cryomancer, he was recruited into the mages sector of the military as soon as he came of age, where his ice skills would hopefully have been honed further. 

However, being the rebelious shit that he is, he decided to ditch out of the draft and ran off on his own, ultimately finding his own little hovel of seclusion where he experimented on whatever creatures passed by and gradually began to move away from cryomancy, instead finding himself developing a prediliction for necromancy. This interest in the undead ultimately lead to his own demise, ultimately freezing to death in the wastes of the far North.

Post resurrection, Nicolai's sadistic tendencies were only further enhanced by his own frigid death, and he now prefers his corpses freshly frozen and whole. The creatures he creates are mere husks, as he tears out the soul early in the process so as to "preserve" the flesh, as he would state it. As opposed to Jared's tendency to stitch various beasts and beings together, Nicolai focuses on reinforcing what is naturally within the body while keeping the form relatively unchanged, something the two of them frequently bicker about as each finds the other's necromantic purposes revolting.

Personality wise, Nicolai really isn't that kind of a person. He tries his best to put on a good show of bravado, often making (false) claims of his vast wealth and stories of his "royal" upbringing, but more often than not this fails to win him the friendship or admiration he feels he deserves, and he's left alone. In all honesty, the solitude suits him just fine, and he prefers to avoid populated areas, preferring to remain in his own secluded estate. He isn't particularly fond of anyone else within the merry band of necromancers, but he does his best to at least somewhat get along with them due to a somewhat misguided sense of loyalty to Jared. However, thanks to his rather secluded upbringing and intentional isolation later in life, he doesn't do that well around crowds, and tends to suffer from fairly bad anxiety on the few times Jared has called him down from his hideout in the wastes of the North. Undead or not, Nicolai has very little interest in being sociable, and while he may try his best, he's still a total fuck.

If he has managed to overcome his general anxiety with someone and has deemed them as "lesser" by whatever distorted ideas of eliticism Nicolai has thought up on that particular day, Nico's personality switches rapidly from nervous asshole to Zombie Oscar Wilde. He takes great care in making a show of indulging himself in whatever is around him, be it lounging on furniture supported by dozens of his Husks, summoned expressly for the purpose to look pretty while simultaneously wasting endless globs of mp, or gulping down the finest of wines as though they were water, despite being an undead and technically having no need for food or drink. At this point, Nicolai's favorite direction to look at is down, and he feels best when he has chosen to (sometimes literally) put himself in a higher position than the person opposing him. Of course, this often fails to do anything but annoy the other party, but...well, as previously stated, Nicolai is most at home when presenting himself as a spoiled fuck.

Despites his personality problems, Jared finds Nicolai far too valuable to give up, as Nicolai's primary abilities within the group lie in the medium sized chunks of enchanted ice that he is able to use as a sentry system. Nicolai is able to "see" through these sentries and therefore keeps the security system for the band nice and tidy, proving his worth to the group as the first line of defense against any danger.

As a result of Jared imparting a bit of Eldritch magic within Nicolai during his ressurection, he's gained a few rather non-human features. The lines on his forehead and neck are actually mouths, and function properly as such, despite how impossible the anatomy may seem. When he speaks, his voice actually comes out of all three mouths at the same time depending on which are open, which can make his voice almost an echo in and of itself, which..honestly is pretty annoying to listen to, to be honest. This is compounded by the fact that each mouth seems to have slightly different speaking mannerisms and accents, so...ultimately talking with him for too long can result in one hell of a headache. Fortunately, since his excess mouths usually remain closed unless he's using them he can simply wear a hat and scarf to more properly play the part of an average (albeit blue) human, but the goo that leaks out of his 3 sets of lips can ruin even the nicest of white shirts. Aside from the extra mouths, odd colored eyes, and ashen skin, Nicolai is physically a pure human and has no powers or abilities beyond his necromancy or cryomancy.

Fun facts:
Name: Nicolai Vire
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 188lbs
Nationality: Unknown (Swedish? Russian? His accent is unidentifiable and only made more difficult to discern thanks to his habit of speaking out of three mouths at once)

-He refers to his creations as "Husks", while Jared's Frankenstein creations are referred to as "Stitched"
-In terms of an actual fight, he is physically quite weak and relies extensively upon his Husks to fight for him. Without a constant supply of souls, his magic supply dwindles quickly, and he's unable to use his necromancy or cryomancy. Ultimately, sentry duty fits much better to his abilities, and Jared frequently utilizes him as such.
-All of his victims are frozen to death, he refuses to work on anything but. He considers this the most "humane" method of death as he claims to have taken great pleasure in his own experiences with hypothermia.
-His black romance with Jared has been going on and off again for centuries, much to Jared's chagrin. Neither can stand the other for more than 30 minutes or so without lashing out, but seeing as both of them are dead, permanent damage has proved impossible.
-His hands have extensive damage from his hypothermia, and are rather shaky, making it hard for him to write or make minute hand movements.
-He can taste and eat things out of all three mouths, but prefers to eat with the one on his neck.
-His cell phone ringtone is "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen
-If you get him to talk with each mouth separately, you'll realize each has a slightly different voice and accent, though together, that can be hard to discern.
-He has full control over all three mouths, but on occasion one may open up without him realizing it and hiss or snap out of reflex.
-On an amusing note, he tends to talk to himself a lot, and it's easy to catch him bickering with himself. He'll insist this doesn't happen, but...yeah, it totally does.

-Nicolai's arcane powers are likely inherited from his grandfather, the rather renowned necromancer/cryomancer Viktor Vire. His sisters share his abilities as well, and the Vire family is rather notorious for their tendencies towards dark magic and vanity. (All of which suit Nico to a T)

-He started going gray in his mid 20's and since his death, it has seriously intensified. He keeps finding more gray streaks but he's too embarrassed about it to dye his hair.

-All of Nicolai's zombies, called "Husks", tend to be mid 20's 'prettyboy' males. He definitely has a type, and that type is manwhore, much to the misfortune of anyone associating with him at any given time.


Sigrid :Eldest sister

Vera : Older Sister

Jared : Resurrectionist/On again off again boyfriend