Foil DeVector



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info







Magic Status

N.M.I (Not Magically Inclined).


November 28th








The leader of a band of misfit ruffians, the Red Tones. They vandalize and skate-trick over all important city landmarks.


Non-binary (they/them).




Hoverboarding, crafting (always trying to come up with new ways to Go Fast), games/friendly competition, music (plays synth), piercings, sand


Authority, cops, their parents, water, people with money/those who are well off (they want to teach those folks a lesson).


War has not marked the planet of Chrome Core since ancient times. For millennia, the inhabitants of the world have lived in a relative harmony, bolstered by the technological advancements gained via the harnessing of magic power. Magic. A resource non-renewable. Chrome Core bleeds magic upwards from its pores, and bathes its people in it. However, it has begun to occur to the people of Chrome Core that the reserves of this element get lower and lower with each passing year. With no way to recycle magical energy, all robotics and cybernetics live on borrowed time. Even Chrome Cores ER's, eight, renewable powerful forces of magical energy, cannot keep up with the output of human innovation. With no magic to recycle, or to draw its power from, even the core that sustains the planet may cease to be.

Foil DeVector has a chip on their shoulder the size of an anvil. A 22 year old runaway, Foil is the leader and technical genius behind the Red Tones, a gang of ruffians they seek out and destroy the prides and collections of the Suits--snooty, upperclass 1% types who profit off the weak. With their group behind them, Foil puts dents into the egos of the rich folk living in the Mineswept Quarter. They steal, they vandalize, they destroy, they cause a ruckus wherever they go. A genius in the study of robotics, Foil creates destructive machines, all for the cause of undermining Suit authority. Up until recently, the Red Tones have been nothing but a nuisance in the eyes of the public. But, Foil's actions, and their groups failure, will spark a conflict so vast it could put all of Chrome Core in jeopardy...

Physical Description:

Foil is a small, nonbinary individual with a curvy build. They are muscular and fit due to their constant activity and hustling in the Mineswept Quarter. Foil's main means of transport is their hover-board, which they carry everywhere!

Their black hair is naturally puffy and bouncy. Their "bangs" are parted on Foil's left side, hiding their let eye and glasses-lens. They have light brown eyes, and brown skin (inspiration for their heritage is Latinx!). Foil has dark freckles that dot their face and arms--they spend a lot of time in the sun, so their freckles are a lot more pronounced and plentiful than others! Foil also wears bright glasses, which are round and orange.

Foil leads the Red Tones, a gang of eight vandals who make life a living hell for the rich folk in the Mineswept Quarter. As the co-creator and mechanic for the group, Foil cares very deeply for their people, and even moreso for their cause. Foil is a prodigious mechanic, and in their spare time creates destructive machines among scrap salvaged from decommissioned, recycled robots. They have a lil spark inside them that loves to cause mayhem, but Foil keeps their head on a swivel--too much attention and their entire spot will be blown up. They're a fair leader, and work best in a group...but what could happen if they had to work alone? Or were cut off from their people?

Beneath Foil's bangs is a prominent, dark, hereditary birthmark that covers most of the skin surrounding their eye and eyebrow. It is their most prominent feature, and if you didn't know their last name, would definitely connote Foil to the wealthy and haughty DeVector family. Foil loathes this part of themself, and tries to hide the marker as best they can with their hair. They don't talk about their past, is a touchy subject for them.


It's likely that there is no one out there in Chrome Core more dedicated to their cause than Foil DeVector. Their mission is simple, and easy to accomplish. It'll go on forever, even after they die. It's a burning hatred that fuels their actions. It's easy to understand. The Suits of Chrome Core have had it good for too long, profiting off the poverty of others--and Foil will make them pay.

Cool and calm under pressure, Foil DeVector is a collected individual who can adapt to whatever comes at them. They're flexible, quick on their feet, and hard to get the best of. Only when they're truly off their game, or out of their element, can they be taken off guard. No matter the hardship, they always try to get the job done--even if it means doing it alone. Goal-oriented and focused, Foil carries with them a quiet, yet chaotic aura. They love to cause problems, and crave rushes of adrenaline--yet they don't want to go overboard. Flimsy leadership like that puts the Red Tones at risk! They get their tasks done while causing a little chaos along the way--what's not to love?

Foil is quiet among strangers. But, when in the company of people they trust, they become significantly more talkative and louder. Witty and biting, Foil's aloof attitude fades to the background when among friends. They loosen up and joke more, allowing themselves to have fun, and enjoy other's company. It can be hard for Foil to trust others, and open themselves up to friends. They have a bad habit of distancing themselves socially and emotionally. That distant demeanor sometimes creates gaps that can be hard for people to cross. But, to those who know Foil, there is no doubt that they care in their own way. Foil is loyal to their gang, has a staunch hatred of the Suits, and will never miss an opportunity to mess with them!

The depths of that hatred are only known to Foil. The chip on their shoulder is immense, and can lead them into bad situations that put them at risk of getting hurt, or captured by the cops. They show no respect for the rich, especially those wealthy who gang up on the poor. When pulling off their capers, Foil doesn't like to show mercy, and takes out most of their anger on the Suits. They bottle up their problems and gripes, never letting them show, until they burst and spew vitriol everywhere. Foil would rather not talk about their issues with anyone, even to those they trust most. There is something about showing vulnerability that scares Foil deeply, so, to avoid it, they craft a strong and resilient personality to hide their insecurities. In that vein, Foil seems to thrive in groups. When alone, or when separated from those who give them comfort, Foil tends to struggle. As if they've been ripped away from those who ground them, Foil has a tendency to falter and fall when left alone. Some might say that it scares them--but they'd never admit that. 

But they are alone. Well, not exactly. After a heist gone-wrong, Foil ended up getting rescued by the mech they and their gang were planning to jack--a seemingly sentient machine called "Conduct". Separated from the Red Tones, and stuck with this mysterious machine, Foil and Conduct make a deal to help one another achieve their goals. It's a tentative alliance. But, it's soon to be tested. The leader of Chrome's Cradle's underground, Alnico Ferro, won't let his prize-fighter escape that easily. Not to mention the military (and Suit) attention Conduct is attracting, what with him being out and about in the Mineswept Quarter. If Foil is going to make it back home, they'll have to learn to trust this walking hunk of metal...and maybe even come to care for him, too.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Foil has a brilliant mind for machinery. They can whip up amazing devices with only scrap parts. Their biggest strength by far is their mechanical skill, and the speed in which they can create such troublesome machines. Foil is a master of thinking outside the box, and can come up with creative and innovative solutions to complex problems. They're also quick on their feet, and don't often hesitate (unless their gang is involved)! Calm and cool under pressure, Foil is someone you want on your side if the going gets rough. They are an extremely valuable player on the field!

But Foil is a distant figure who sometimes lets their grudges get in the way, and cloud their judgement. Foil's eyesight is also a problem--they're blind as a bat if you knock away their glasses somehow. They can be hard to reach, hard to talk to, and when their quarry is in sight Foil isn't one to give up. They'll tell the others to go back, but they themself have to suffer and continue on. It's good Foil has people behind them to call them back, because Foil is their own worst enemy. They'll put themself into crazy dangerous situations if it means getting the upper hand.

 Bonus Facts:

- Is very close with Data, and views her as an older sister. Because of Data's teaching, Foil can drive a truck pretty well.

- Dated Glitch for a couple of years, but broke up with her recently. The split was mutual, and both decided that they'd be better off as just friends rather than partners. Glitch is fun, and means a lot to Foil...but she's so, so, so difficult sometimes.

- Builds amazing sandcastles