PENDING's Comments

Hello! I would like to offer a trade for this creature

You can see here if anyone interests you

JamButterToast on Toyhouse

I'm also interested in these

Sorry for the late response however none of the characters I saw interested me however I would consider taking art for the characters you were interested in:0

For which we are commenting could offer art!

What type and how much would you ask? :0

You alright doing only a single piece of art? A full body for the three characters you were interested in

Oh, of course! that would be fine by me! nvnb

Tell me who you want the art of!

Could it be of
Whilst waiting for the art to be done I'll put the characters in the pending folder :)

1 Replies

I can do ocs from my th or points ^^

points on?



ok, i can do that! how many da points would u be willing to offer?


Hmmm idk around 150-200? I'm trying to save some to buy other ocs

i can take 200 since thatsĀ about the price i bought her for, is that good with you?

6 Replies