Egan Laskaris



5 years, 2 months ago


Name: Egan Laskaris

Age: 28 years

Height: 6'4" (193cm)

Weight: 220lbs ( 15.7stone/ 100kg)

Race: Diluted Harpy


  • Observant
  • Distant
  • Blase
  • ---

More Info                            

He's a stern-faced vicious looking watered-down-harpy. Swaths of small red-purple feathers and cream down running down his back and over the backs of his shoulders. Patches of feathers under the outer sides of his pecks, where his happy trail would be, and a few soft, longer feathers where his temple hairline would be normally. He has burnished golden orange eyes that feel like they would pierce right through you if he put just a little more force behind his stare. Dark, thick pointed fingernails on all 20 wigglers meant to represent talons and claws. He has strong teeth and regular sized, sharp canines that help break shells, nuts, and bones when he needs it. No wings, no weird, backward bending legs.

When I say watered-down-harpy I genuinely mean like a bloodline of harpies that have mated with humans so often that only a few physical features remain on their offspring- male and female. Over the generations, I imagine their offspring could look completely human.

He's muscular, well tanned and somehow freckle-free! Maybe it has something to do with his feathers? A good six foot something and built broad. He hates fitted clothing and shoes. Don't expect to get his attention by complimenting his 'beauty' or his feathers. He's so tired of the compliments that he could honestly not give another shit about it. Do you like his feathers? Cool, can he have his grain now?

Modern History                  

His parents expected him to walk in their footsteps. They wanted him to be a doctor, just like them. He went through medical school but dropped out just before he got his license. He wouldn't have made a great doctor, his bedside manner wasn't suited for medical practice. Too withdrawn to keep a job at a hospital, he drifted between jobs for a while, taking an interest in things that tick. Eventually, he landed a job as a mechanic and a couple of years after that he found additional work as a jeans model, though they did like to have him pose for other things. Often times for cologne or just to have a filler model behind a magazine article. He doesn't care to strip in front of a camera, so long as he's being paid.

When he's at home he tends to a variety of plants. Most of them have some herbal quality to them good for medicines, others just look nice and keep the air clean in an otherwise overpolluted city. He's had a few one-night-stands that leave him unfulfilled and unsatisfied mentally. He takes compliments on his beauty with a grain of salt, and it takes more than a while to get close enough to him. He might have a soft spot for the people who get into fights and come away wounded. It isn't very frequent but he'll have someone at his place on the couch healing and patched up every now and then- even if they're a complete stranger. Some of them have taken things from his house and left by morning, others sometimes stop by to repay him for his kindness.

Medieval History                

Egan came from a nomadic medical merchant family but eventually settled down in a coastal city once he was of age. He's been inland, out to sea, to the north, through deserts and tundras and is very familiar to the life of living in tents and surviving only on what you can carry on you. His family never used horses or carriages, considering the paths they liked to take often left the animals in danger and the carriages were too wide and bulky.

He's happy with simple magic, something that can make a fire and a bag that magically holds all of his wares, he's good. He only whistles when he's working and he likes to mimic bird calls and twitters out tribal songs as well as tunes he's heard down at the tavern/pub.

Egan is greek for Little Fire