Alexa Okami



5 years, 3 months ago


Full name: Alexis Clair Okami

Species: Lycan (werewolf)

personality: Shy, fights for what she thinks is right, supportive, caring.

Family: Jason Okami, Sarah Okami, Thomas Okami

Friends: Terra, Zach, Mia, Chie, Charlie

My persona, she is pritty much me.

She was severely bullied when she was little by other kids older than her. They ended up beating her up and busting her head open and cracking her skull, causing brain damage. She lost her memories afterwards and forgot her family were Lycans. Her mother decided to hide the fact they were Lycans from her and live their lives as humans. It wasn't until the starting week of her 16th birthday she grew her ears and tail and gaining  her Lycan features as well as her mother revealing to Alexa that she had lost her memories and forgot they were Lycans and lived as humans to keep Alexa safe. She was turned into a Demon Hound 2 years later due to certain circumstance.