🏰 Rink ⚔️



5 years, 3 months ago



He or She - Butch Lesbian - My Linksona

Rink was born to unknown Hylians and left seemingly abandoned near Rito Village. A family of Rito found him and took him in, raising her as one of their own. She grew up amongst the rest of the Rito, acquiring a talent in archery thanks to her feathery family. Rink couldn't fly obviously, so she happily watched over the flock of sheep owned by the village, becoming a protector of the sheep from predators.

When she turned 17, a mysterious voice called out to her and she stumbled upon the Master Sword deep in the Lost Woods. He pulled the sword from its resting place and memories of previous lives as 'Link' flooded through her. He headed to Hylian Castle to speak to the king and his daughter, Zelda, whom she eventually becomes a bodyguard of. They get off to a rough start but eventually Rink proves to be a kind friend to the princess.

Likes: Archery, animals (especially sheep and horses), femmes, colder weather, exercising, playing her ocarina

Theophany - Deku Palace