


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Caleb

Age: 25 (Before giving up his heart to darkness)

Gender: Male

Personality: Being one of the very few heartless who managed to retain human-level intelligence as well as a human like form, he still carries similar traits to that of a Pure Bred Shadow Heartless, such as the eyes and entennas.

Even though his heart was taken over by darkness, he still managed to retain his humanity and compassion.


* Like all heartless, he has the ability to transport through shadow portals to get place to place.

* Like the shadow heartless, he's able to flatten himself into a silhouette on the ground, and become a literal shadow.

* Most of his attacks consist of close combat, such as being able to grow out long sharp claws to attack and defend against enemies, having fast agility helps him jump super high and whip around his foes to get them from behind.

When his claws are out, the darkness seeps over his hands up to mid forearm, a few inches away from the elbow like a thick oozing ink substance.

* Having control over the more common shadow heartless.