
Name: Clarisse Milton

Name meaning: Bright, Shining, and Gentle

Age: 15-20

Ethnicity: French

Height: 5'7 ft (170 cm)

Birthday: February 14

Languages: English, French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish

Personality: Clarisse is upbeat and positive. She's sassy, sarcastic, and holds herself with a high self esteem. She's very blunt and open with her thoughts and opinions, and says whatever crosses her mind. She’s carefree, and never tends to care about how others view her, as she's confident with who she is as a person.

Likes: books, comics, dancing, singing, ribbons, small animals, cute items

Dislikes: People who are mean or rude, bossy people, gloomy days, rain

Extra Facts:
- Clarisse possesses a psychic ability, which gives her telekinesis
- Clarisse is extremely intelligent, and knows 5 languages fluently
- She is adopted and lives with her parents, younger sister Clara, older brother Corbin, and younger brother Calvin. Calvin is the only one who is not adopted.
- Clarisse was born in France, and was given up for adoption shortly before she turned 3. She lived in the orphanage for about a year, until she was adopted at the age of 4. She later moved to the states before she turned 6.
- She is best friends with Kana, and they have known each other since they were kids. They met when Kana moved into her family’s apartment complex.
- Her family has a business relationship with Conner’s family, so the two of them have known each other for as long as they can remember.
- She has a beautiful singing voice and people are naturally drawn towards it.
- She's an excellent dancer and wants to pursue the hobby. Her favorite is ballet.
- She loves wearing ribbons in her hair
- Her hair grows really fast, and she rarely gets it cut
- She has freckles located on her face
- She loves drinking fruity drinks
- she loves peanut butter crackers
- Her favorite color is purple