
“They called me names. They died in flames.”

  • Phonsia Fortis 


Element: Phosphorus 

Atomic Number: 15

Atomic Mass: 30,973762 u 

Given Name: Phonsia Fortis

Name Origin: Phonsia Fortis just sounded like Phosphorus. 

Name Origin (In-Universe): Phonsia comes from ‘Phos’, meaning ‘light’ in Greek. Fortis comes from ‘fortissima’, which was her own nickname in place of the Azotov family surname. 

Height: 5’2”/158 cm

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Enneagram Type: 7w8

Apparent Age: 16

Ethnicity: Syrian

Nationality: Minaxuprani

Place of Residence: In the Krovavaya Ruka in Krovgorod, Minaxuprem 

Title(s): None

Occupation: Student

Tag: Phoenix15

Hobbies: Shooting her avtomats, riding around on her motorcycle past her bedtime even though her mom demands she return home, paying attention in no classes in school except Chemistry because that rocks 


A diagnosed pyromaniac, Phonsia was raised sheltered and pretty much deprived of all human interaction that her mother did not deem ‘fit’ for her daughter’s development. That meant anything that conflicted with her own personal narrative- anything vaguely secular, capitalistic, or supportive of Salitoxus was automatically regarded as ‘anti-Minauxprani propaganda’, and promptly thrown in the garbage. Subsequently, Phonsia was never taught how to think critically, and on top of that, was pretty much spoiled rotten by her mother and their powerful extended family, who, by the way, literally founded the modern state of Minaxuprem. Phonsia has no real friends, only servants forced to be her playmates at gunpoint. And even then, she usually prefers to take them out to the shooting range or out to a field of dry brush so they can light some fires and watch the landscape blaze away.

Everyone who’s been her ‘playmate’ has needed some kind of therapy in some form or another. But of course, Natalia Azota would never send her own daughter into therapy. No, that would completely damage the Azotov reputation (but it’s already bad??? so???), and is therefore not a viable means of stamping out her daughter’s...addiction to the pull of the flame. Natalia herself has tried and failed numerous times to cure her daughter’s obsession with fire and complete disregard for anything that might stand in its way. She’s tried praying, she’s tried exorcisms, she’s even tried hanging Phonsia out on a...very specialized clothes line and dousing her in water in a final, yet futile, attempt. Of course, nothing worked. Natalia is discouraged, but she doesn’t let it get to her head. After all, if she keeps her daughter locked up in her room all day, there will really be nothing she can set fire to. 

In later years, however, Phonsia has become harder and harder to control. I mean, when you’re literally forced to live and travel with your mother for FOUR MILLENNIA, you eventually get a little tired of it, don’t you? Natalia worries, but she figures that if she can keep her people in check, surely she can do the same for her daughter. After all, her daughter trusts her and loves her like no one else in the world, right? 



But Phonsia has been consuming...Salitoxan propaganda. (A TV program that features a comedic sketch about a Minaxuprani officer talking about his war crimes.) 

And Natalia is beginning to worry that her daughter is too far gone to save. 


Upbeat, fiery, and always enthusiastic, Phonsia is never a bore to be around. She is, however, a fire hazard and sometimes, a bullet hazard. It’s fine to like her, it’s fine to make friends with her, but it’s NOT fine to go along with whatever schemes she’s plotted. Part of being a friend of Phonsia Fortis is standing up to her, and that, I can guarantee, will happen almost every time the two of you meet up.

Though Phonsia truly means well, she can sometimes act on impulse, and ostensibly, without the consideration of others- their thoughts, feelings, and even safety. She doesn’t understand what self control is, and if she did, she’d hate it. Teach her to weigh the dangers of any given situation, and you two will be an unstoppable pair. But so far, no one has gotten through to her. 


Nitrogen - Mom!!!! I love u so muchhhhhhh :D :D :D 

Arsenic - Like an aunt to her, the ‘fun’ one between her and Nitrogen. Sometimes takes her to do things her mother would never approve of. 

Capitalists and Atheists  - DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE 

Salitoxus - Can go screw itself and jump in a volcano 

Therapists - Can also go screw themselves, fire is fun 


The color of Phosphorus’s eyes come from blue phosphorus, the 6th allotrope of the element, and from turquoise, which contains phosphorus.

Phosphorus’s belt shade comes from the color of Phosphorus Pentabromide.

The color of her AK carrying strap and magazine pouches come from the faint greenish glow of white phosphorus when exposed to oxygen in the dark. 

Her overall militaristic disposition is a reference to phosphorus’s use in incendiary weapons. 

Phoshporus’s clothing is meant to mimic a description of Phoenician dress, as a reference to the element’s association with fire, and by proxy, the phoenix, whose name originated from Phoenicia- modern-day Syria also encompasses what was once Phoenicia, and the use of white phosphorus is not unheard of in Syria, even today.






P is a raging feminist because it’s a huge misconception that the female glyph arose from a mirror. It actually came from the first two letters of the word phosphoros, AKA venus. 

She’s syrian as a reference to two things- the fact that white phosphorus was used there, and the fact that the modern country of Syria contained part of what was once Phoenicia, the origin of the word ‘Phoenix’, which is Phosphorus’s representative animal and also the national animal of her home country, Minaxuprem. 

