


5 years, 2 months ago


Campbell is my Dawn of the Deviants character on Warriors Amino

General   Information












Combat modified android.


Former pest control, current combat modified




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Tutorial of how to draw her

"Get away from me."

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White base coat with fawn pointed tabby markings.


15 inches


12 pounds


Small, strong and lean.


Burn  marks all over her body. On her face, on her left shoulder, on her  back, on her stomach, on her left hind leg and her left hind paw has no  coat at all.


Besides the led, no.







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"I don't know who I am anymore."

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Campbell  is a very reserved and distant cat. She has a very sharp tongue and she  will bite if she feels it's necessary. But she is not purposely looking  for a fight. She likes to stay away from others mostly because she  knows she looks horrifying to them. Since becoming a deviant she is also  very aware of what she could do to others if not able to control her  temper. Campbell doesn't hate other cats, she just wants to protect them  from herself. She stays in her thoughts most of the days and tries to  figure out her purpose in life. Emotions are new to her and dealing with  them will take her some time. Being a deviant is a mystery to her and  what she thinks of it is still very open. It depends on the cats she  meets along her way. But even though she is quite unsure of herself she  usually doesn't like to show her sensitive side to others. She keeps  herself very stiff, confident and likely aggressive if approached in a  wrong way. She is proud of herself of surviving alone and will not let  others see herself in her weakest moments.


Calm  and quiet places where she can think, darkness, nature, music. In  general thing that will calm her down and allow her to explore herself  in peace.


Humans, loud noises, chemical smell, big crowds, anything that disturbs her peace


Smart, thoughtful, patient


Snappy if stressed, strong temper, violent at times


She  only moves at night when it's dark. During the days she stays hidden  and thinks. To her nature is very beautiful and she likes to watch it  change.


Due  to her small but strong body she is good at fitting into small places  like pipes and moving in them without problems. She is very fast and she  has a strong bite. But if she gets caught her small body is her  weakness when facing a big opponent.


Fears  herself most of all. She sees herself as a monster because of her looks  and because of her past in combat. She has just become deviant and  doesn't know what to do about it. She fears emotions and knows that's  not a way for an android to function. But now that she is alive she also  realized how horrifying her none deviant self is. She goes through an  inner battle of who she is and what her purpose in life is.


If approached right and made to feel safe she may open up to them.





























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"I shouldn't feel but I do! Why is this happening to me!?"

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>  Campbell was created to be a pest control android. The area where she  patrolled was filled with large factories that handled a lot of  different chemicals and dangerous liquids and gasses. Many humans didn't  work there and since the androids were focused on doing their jobs at  the factories that attracted attention from a few illegal groups. They  used an old adandoned factory building for their means and held androids  fight there regularly. They captured pest control androids from the  area and modified them to their needs. Campbell was originally meant to  just be an easy opponent for other androids but she did surprisingly  well on her own. The group leader liked her and made her fight with real  cats instead of androids most of the time so she wouldn't get as badly  damaged. Campbell killed many cats and androids. It was her job so she  didn't think much of it. One day there was an accident at the factory.  One of the old pipes broke and started to leak dangerous gass to the  environment. This caused the whole building to burn down. Campbell  managed to survive but was badly damaged because of the fire and the  gass. The rush of sudden danger in a completely new level and the  possibility of death made her become deviant. She escaped the area,  never to be seen again. Campbell found her way into the forest where she  hid and went through all that had happened to her. Her past left her  quite traumaticed. She had no idea who she was and where she was. Her  only goals now are to survive and find out her purpose in life.

After starting rping:

Campbell  was introduced to a big group of cats right from the start. She didn't  really feel like she fit in with them and couldn't really figure out how  to function in a group. This resulted her of panicking and hurting a  human in her rage. This caused the deviant hunters to appear. Meeting  the deviant hunters opened her eyes about deviancy and made her more  curious about the ways she could possibly function if given the chance.  To her surprise she was let go with Tracer and Simone while the others  fled on their own. Campbell found herself in an old metro tunnel with  the two new androids. After Tracer and Simone had a fight Campbell fled  from the scene to get out of the toxic environment. While traveling  through the city she met several androids that she decided to approach  with a more open mind. She met with Latte who seemed to understand her  in ways she never thought anyone could and the two became good friends.

After  meeting up with Latte Campbell ran into Sky, Isla and Nickel. Nickel  was one of the first androids who ever showed kindness to her and this  was one of the reasons she deviated. Campbell got to tell how much  Nickel meant for her and the two bonded cause of that. Later that  evening when Campbell had escorted Latte to his home she met up with  Isla in the forest. The two looked for Isla's bird friend Compass and  after that Isla invited Campbell to stay in the dam with her. The two  left the dam in the morning to meet up with Latte again. The trio found  an abandoned treehouse and decided to settle there for a while. The  three bonded by telling stories about their past and comforted each  other. Then they were distracted by the lights in the nearby cemetery  and headed to investicate. The trio saw the sea of candles for the first  time and talked about death and what it all meant to them. And they  made a promise to protect each other no matter what.

After that Latte headed back home to his human and Isla and Campbell went back to the treehouse to rest.

To be continued...
