


5 years, 3 months ago


Retsuki Fujita
Character Info
RomajiFujita Retsuki
AliasTsuki, Scarf-Face
RaceHuman (Esper)
RelativesFather (Deceased)
Mother (Alive)
Fujita Kazuhiko (Unkown)
Voice ActorChika Anzai

Technical Info

Birth Date
11th March
Weight116 lbs.
Blood TypeA

Professional Status

Claw (As a double agent)


Retsuki has wavy, light brown hair that reaches her chest. Her usual outfit consists of a scarf that covers her mouth, a brown jacket, a cream colored sweater, a long, pleated skirt, and boots. It is usually difficult to discern her facial expressions due to the scarf covering half of her face. She has a crescent shaped scar under her right eye. 


Retsuki is an extremely driven and motivated person, stopping at nothing that gets in her way, going as far as to infiltrate Claw to gather information on her missing brother. She is skilled in acting and deception which she uses to her advantage to get out of potentially dangerous situations and usually sees violence as a last resort. Restuki is extremely perceptive to the actions and emotions of others which causes her to overthink in social situations. She prefers being alone, but can’t disagree that the company of others makes life more fun.


Before the events of the manga, her father was murdered and her brother disappeared, driving her to pursue a job in the Japanese government in order to find out who killed her father and where her brother disappeared to.

Retsuki is a member of a special division of espers who work for the Japanese government. Their purpose is to locate and monitor other espers and assassinate those who are deemed a danger to society. Due to the rise of Claw, efforts to subdue other espers became more desperate so Retsuki volunteered to go undercover and join Claw, becoming a Scar in the process. The other reason why she volunteered was that she suspected Claw knew of her missing brother’s whereabouts, considering that he is an esper himself. After learning of the 7th Division’s defeat and subsequent defection, she teamed up with them to help take down Claw. After Claw’s defeat she returned to working for the government’s esper unit and occasionally visits the Spirits and Such Consultation Office, providing a minor hand when needed.

Powers & Abilities

Physical Abilities: Having received standard training as a spy for the government, Retsuki is physically fit, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and knowledgeable of weak points in the human body.
Mental Abilities: Retsuki does not consider herself a genius, but her intelligence is above the civilian average.
Psychic Powers:
Aura Reading & Detection: Can discern a person’s true intentions by analyzing their aura. If she focuses hard enough, she can locate people if they are behind opaque materials, too far away, or are in complete darkness by seeing their aura.
Telekinesis: Restuki’s telekinesis is more focused on precision rather than power. She is deftly able to pick complicated locks, deflect attacks, and maneuver objects through space. She also uses her telekinesis on herself to defy gravity for the purpose of getting to hard-to-reach places.
Telepathy: She is able to send her thoughts to others, but cannot read people’s minds unless they also send their thoughts to her.
Psychobullet: A special technique she developed. She can shoot bursts of psychic energy from her fingers, similar to a bullet from a gun. These projectiles can travel through solid objects without leaving a trace and can be devastating if they hit their mark. Retsuki is able to control the curve, angle, and speed, although they become significantly weaker the longer they travel.


  • Retsuki’s best skill is keeping secrets.
  • Her hobbies are hiking and flower pressing.
  • Her favorite food is gyoza and her least favorite food is sausage.
  • Her favorite music is R&B and her favorite movie genre is film noir.
  • She gets cold very easily.

profile html by @hukiolukio