


5 years, 3 months ago


Name [Wolf/Daniel]
Species [Werewolf]
Age [25]
Height [6'0]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/Him]
Orientation [info]
Relationship Status [Single]
Occupation [info]
Theme [song]

Status [NFT/S]
Designer [@sleepii]
Worth [???]


Being a damaged man, Wolf has build himself up to fight back.

As a kid, he got bullied/harassed nonstop in his school. For years on end, he got picked on and beat up for being weak. It all eventually broke him, making him go into a deep depression. Even with it though, he tried his best to ignore his peers. Anger and sadness built inside him, being bottled up. One day though when being ganged up on, he had enough and it all broke. Lashing out at his attackers, he used all his anger to bite and slash, and they eventually ran away leaving him. Although victorious he did end up with a battle scar, one smack dab on his nose. Feeling the relief of victory, Wolf decided it was time to built his body up to defend himself.

Months and years went into training and building his body up. Not only did his body grow, but so did his confidence. Maybe a bit too much. He started to see that girls that used to ignore him were now eying him up. Girls being attracted to him was a new feeling, and he loved it. He slowly and eventually years later, he has become a ladies man, flirting with any girl has runs across. His ego is pretty large now and doesnt seem to stop growing. A pretty popular place he tends to go to is the club where you can see him hitting up the ladies. Another would be in a girls bedroom the next morning.

Even though he looks like the perfect man, his past still haunts him to this day. He lies about his scar if asked and tends to stray away about talking about his younger years. Wolf is also highly intelligent, but tries to hide it due to fear of being made fun of and/or ruining his tough guy image.