


5 years, 2 months ago


Extremely aloof, he's lived under a rock his whole life... was extremely pampered, he lives on Earth and used to be worshiped by the ancient Egyptians (lol). His animal traits (fox ears and tail) were highly looked upon in the culture, and was not seen as terrifying or as monstrous traits. Please keep the baby pure lolmao, he lives in the springs now, bc the earthlings no longer needed him after they realized that science was a thing. He's very butt hurt over this and often sulks or acts like a child, bc he wants love and attention and to be put on a pedestal like he used to be

He at one point had the great idea, of seeing how much the people would mourn over him if he died (he likes attention), so he pretended to die, and then was proceeded to be mummified, but since shisune don't have organs, the ancient Egyptians were confused,, and just wrapped him up anyway and shoved him into a tomb, surrounded with many treasures and artifacts. Thousands of years later, he decided to emerge from his tomb, to find Earth in its current state today, with a lot of technology. Anubis was clearly confused, and made an exodus with his treasures to the springs.