


8 years, 14 days ago


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[ About ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus orci dui, nec accumsan arcu efficitur quis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec est magna, maximus in orci nec, pretium lobortis risus. Pellentesque vitae vulputate eros. Proin in ante et nisl aliquam laoreet nec at nunc. Pellentesque porta malesuada lectus, nec egestas augue lacinia sed. Aliquam eleifend ex quam, id facilisis massa laoreet ut. Mauris accumsan velit ac fringilla pellentesque.

Quisque at iaculis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet velit quis ligula lobortis volutpat. Duis at sapien convallis, posuere nunc nec, eleifend dolor. Integer placerat pretium efficitur. Quisque eros nibh, aliquam ac metus et, eleifend ornare turpis. Integer vestibulum dictum iaculis. Sed faucibus felis at pellentesque placerat. Cras dignissim nibh id diam placerat euismod nec id leo. Cras tincidunt lectus quis erat tincidunt, in pellentesque velit fringilla. Ut et urna quis justo malesuada laoreet. Duis sit amet risus at justo condimentum porta. Donec luctus facilisis nisl ut sodales. Vestibulum mattis rhoncus mi, in imperdiet sem elementum placerat.

Quisque at iaculis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet velit quis ligula lobortis volutpat. Duis at sapien convallis, posuere nunc nec, eleifend dolor. Integer placerat pretium efficitur. Quisque eros nibh, aliquam ac metus et, eleifend ornare turpis. Integer vestibulum dictum iaculis. Sed faucibus felis at pellentesque placerat. Cras dignissim nibh id diam placerat euismod nec id leo. Cras tincidunt lectus quis erat tincidunt, in pellentesque velit fringilla. Ut et urna quis justo malesuada laoreet. Duis sit amet risus at justo condimentum porta. Donec luctus facilisis nisl ut sodales. Vestibulum mattis rhoncus mi, in imperdiet sem elementum placerat.

[ Personality ]


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ESFJ-T Type, 'Consul'. More personality is a WIP.

[ Basics ]

AGE 34 Years

D.o.B. 21st Sun's Height | 4E 169

GENDER Female (She/Her)


ORIENTATION Panromantic | Demisexual


BIRTH SIGN The Apprentice

ORIGIN Torval, Elsweyr

RACE Khajiit (Cathay-Raht)





[ Story & Trivia ]

Riala was born in 4E 169 to Do’Sana and Do’Haro, a cub born from the breeding regime to help aid in powerful warriors to protect the Mane. Her parents were tasked with birthing a child that was strong in magical capabilities, as both of them were part of the strongest mages the Guard had. However, that gift seemed not to have passed down onto Riala. Every attempt in her early childhood to draw magic from her failed- and it was several years before they gave up. Do’Sana, angered at the situation, broke off from Do’Haro and went to be part of different breeding couples to accomplish what she had been tasked to, leaving Do’Haro to raise Riala.

He loved her more than life itself, teaching her tricks with a blade when she was five to prepare her for the life she still needed to traverse, because despite her lack of magic she would still prove to be an asset to the guard, if only to stabilize the ones who were too aggressive in the regime. She got into the training programme and, well, sucked. It was only on Do’Haro’s insistence that she remained in it- and eventually graduated into the Mane’s Guard. Her skills in battle might not have been the best- but she saw things other’s didn’t, and proved to be tactical in training.

Upon her eighteenth birthday she was assigned to the breeding regime and separated from her father. She was paired with Do’Shavir, a ruthless warrior who, together with his sister, were the best of the Guard, if not for their horrible personalities. The intention was for her to birth a cub between the two of them, and her temperament evening out that of his, while his skills passed on instead. She found herself falling in love with the man- from what little she saw of him at least. Eventually, however, they were ordered to share a house to enable the breeding- and that’s when it turned worse.

Shavir’s attitude in public was vastly different than in private- he was vile and aggressive, grabbing Riala and pushing her if she was in the way. She kept quiet, thinking that if she listened he would ease up. Perhaps even love her in return. But she was wrong. The more she stayed quiet, the more he turned himself on her- before he eventually forced her into intercourse. Never had Riala experienced something that hurt so much- and when it was done she remained laid- unwilling to believe what happened. And it happened again. And again. He would take her whenever it pleased him- and in public she could hear him bragging about it.

After months- she filed a report with the Captain of the Guard, Takanradh, hoping that something could be done- but he turned it back on her instead. “Are you sure that’s what happened? Are you sure you didn’t hint for him to do that? He’s not the type for that.” The more he questioned her- the more she doubted it herself, until eventually she lied and said she made it up. She got suspended temporarily- and ofcourse the attempt of the report made it to Shavir, who punished her severely. It was not long after that Do’Haro was reportedly ill- and the moment Riala got to see him he held her hand before he passed. She had never felt more alone.

In the year of her twenty fourth birthday, the Mane, Ri’Zaeri, was attacked. Shavir and his sister led the charge and fended off the ones who infiltrated- but not without a cost. J’Asura died that day- and so did Shavir. He turned to Skooma to ease his sorrows- drinking late into the night, half assing as he forced himself onto Riala before falling asleep. Despite what he had done to her- Riala felt for him. The loss of his sister struck him deeply and… if her being there eased his pain then she would be there. He recognized her efforts, at least, and eased up before one day two years later- he wasn’t there anymore.

From that moment on- Riala was alone again. A few weeks passed and no sign of Shavir was discovered- so she was moved to be paired with a different guard once again. Do’Nazar- a Senche-Raht who couldn’t be less interested in Riala, but he was kind to her. And gentle. He became her first friend. With his help she at least got out of her shell and started being more herself, little by little. A few weeks passed and she became ill very suddenly, earning herself a trip to the healer who diagnosed that she was pregnant and suffering from anemia. Riala was— conflicted at the news. Happy that she was carrying a new life inside of her, but anxious about the fact it was Shavir’s. Still- she chose to keep it, and as the pregnancy went on she made sure to keep herself as safe as possible. Her blood pressure spiked in the last few weeks- an illness taking hold of her that wouldn’t let go. Healers could not do anything but advise her to rest, and to make herself her first priority over the cub. Filled with despair she went to the Mane, begging for her help- for she knew the Mane’s partner dabbled in foreign Arts that might help her more than the Healers could. And he did.

Using a relic he cured her illness- but the practice was too much for the unborn life inside of her and the cub died, still nestled inside of her. She was treated immediately for her own safety, for the Mane would not let her die because of the unborn cub. The Mane’s partner felt guilt ridden, but Zaeri took the blame upon herself- modifying Riala’s memories of the occassion. Riala was heartbroken at the loss of her child and she took it hard. Zaeri had Nazar and Riala take on border patrol in the hopes of letting Riala cope with the loss.

Eventually- on a rather emotional day, she peered into Nazar’s mind and was able to see the future of the Khajiit stumping his leg on a rock. She wrote it off as a hallucination of sort- not believing it until three days later the Senche-Raht stumped his leg. She tried again, and somehow figured out that she was able to peer into the future of people. The only thing she could image doing with this mysterious gift seemed to be to help others- and so they did. Whenever they passed a town during patrol, Riala would spend her time helping those that lived there.

  • Integer sed lorem vitae mauris feugiat maximus eu et sem.
  • Nullam nec tortor odio. Integer placerat pulvinar odio, non dignissim nisi laoreet et. Curabitur et bibendum massa.
  • Quisque ac lectus ante. Ut sed augue feugiat, blandit justo quis, venenatis nibh.

[ Relationships ]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.