Squish || Maria Ramos



5 years, 3 months ago


Given Name: Squish

True Name: Maria Ramos

Age: 18

Gender: CIS Female

Place of Origin: Salta, Argentina

Species: Human

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 180 lbs

Birthday: June 28th

Appearance: Squish stands at about five feet and four inches, an astoundingly small size for someone so willing to jump into danger. She is rather curvy, though she gains the label of a pear shaped figure. Her skin tone is rather tan with scars of the trouble she had run into littering her body in uneven smatterings. Her eyes are very much how you would expect them, a dark brown color, however, her hair is unexpected. It is an astonishing shade of white. Due to the stress she endured while under the pirates care her hair turned white and then fell out. When her hair grew back it had lost its original shade of chocolate brown and had been reduced to ghostly and premature shades of white and silver. While her hair is a haunting shade she does take great care of it and how it is styled. She likes to have her hair at an uneven length, her bangs hanging to one side, and cropped short.

Personality: Squish is an extremely observant and blunt character. She, in habit, refuses to stay quiet when something is bothering her and makes sure her stubborn opinion is heeded and acknowledged. She is an extremely passionate person with a fiery temper that is a constant, crackling fire. With having to suppress her rage and anger and anguish for such a long time her anger tends to come out in random bursts when touchy subjects like her true name, her memories of Earth, or her past are brought up.

On top of her being blunt and constantly caught between her passion and her rage, she is extremely independent and has a hard time accepting help. With growing up in a ship where it was survive or die it really is no surprise that she finds it hard to tell someone that she is lost. Beyond that though she tends to crave affection and praises, it is something new that has developed since she found herself in a healthy environment and so she thrives of positive comments and big warm hug and often goes out of her way to see that she gets them. She is also rather skilled at picking up the vibe of a conversation and manipulating herself to the environment to see that things go her way. She refuses to use this skill against Team Voltron however as she fears that she would loose the trust she had worked so hard to gain.

Personality Strengths: While Squish may seem like a rather hard person to get along with, she is actually much easier than you would think. She is honest and passionate, always staying true to herself before others and is strong in the way she believes in someone or something loyally. Beyond that she tends to be rather observant, seen many times watching things passively before deciding how she can make a conversation or instance go one way or the other.

Personality Weaknesses: Squish, while she is a rather observant person, tends to get caught up in fights or blows up at people when ever she feels stressed or she feels that she is being watched. With having to lock up her emotions for so long she tends to get sensitive and will often close herself up before ever opening herself up at all. Beyond that she is extremely stubborn and sometimes her independence comes more from pride than anything else.

Good Habit(s): Very diligent in her work. She often tries to learn everything effectively and efficiently. She has no problem asking questions and tends to retain her lessons on reading and English as well as Spanish very easily.

Bad Habit(s): If something ever does give her issues she refuses to get help. She gets angry easily. She has a harder time understanding personal boundaries considering she lived in a ship full of people and had to share almost everything she had.


  • Never seeing home.
  • Returning to the Qayrock
  • Suffocation/the idea that she could die in the void space

Bio: A human turn space pirate at a young age. Originally from a small town in Argentina, the ideas of aliens were something out of reach and only truly capable through assisted finical aid and intense studies. However, neither of these happened to Squish. In fact, at the young age of three she was taken up into a stereotypical blinding beam that stole her from her mother’s bed where she was never seen again.

For many years, she was passed around from alien race to alien race. She worked as an engineer and then as an odd-job man, though with her being so young and dependent she wasn’t so much of a use and was passed along. Through those years of being passed along she gathered a lot of information about different races and customs of the galaxies’ races.

At the age of eight Squish was met with the captain of the Quayroc. It was then she joined the group of pirates, her knowledge of other races expanding as she was met with the melting pot of the Quayroc that was anything but peaceful. Races fought over old grudges and wars that were long ago-- thousands, hundreds of years ago. The ship was chaos, and yet it functioned as well as any of the other ships Squish had been part of.

For years to come she learned how to survive the Quayroc and the events that the Quayroc inspired. She learned to fight, defend herself, and think quickly on her feet. Overall, her years on the Quayroc taught her to survive the dangers she willingly threw herself into for the prosperity of the crew she slowly grew to resent and the greed that fueled the pirates that sailed through dark star filled space.

Those Who Dislike Her:

  • Geatnis |The captain of the Qayrock who she betrayed. They now have his betrayed parent and daughter sort of relationship where Geatnis demands to know why the Squish they raised was so ready to turn their back on them.
  • Yixq |A lieutenant of the Qayrock who absolutely despised Squish. He wanted to see her burn so that he could get control of the ship and he believed that she was the main person in the way. By Squish betraying the ship Yixq became the first lieutenant and has been feeding information to Geatnis about how Squish had been planning to kill them originally.


  • Yixq | A lieutenant of the Qayrock who absolutely despised Squish. He wanted to see her burn so that he could get control of the ship and he believed that she was the main person in the way. By Squish betraying the ship Yixq became the first lieutenant and has been feeding information to Geatnis about how Squish had been planning to kill them originally.


  • She cannot read or write any Earth languages, though she is making a steady process to learn
  • She learned about the human body via informational tapes that she stole from an Earth based shop
  • She watched a lot of Earth flicks and has learned a lot of what she knows through the movies
  • She is very clinical about bodily processes since she has seen the tapes that reassure her that they are all natural
  • She is an extremely heavy sleeper. Barely anything can wake her.
  • She enjoys ghost stories and television shows. The stories don't really scary her but when it comes to shows she gets scared enough to where tears gather in her eyes and she refuses to be left alone.
  • When returning to Earth she debates whether she should dye her hair back to black.
  • She tends to quote really old movies
  • She is the person to take a pillow fight or laser tag to seriously