Tsushika Yuu



5 years, 3 months ago


Tsushika Yuu兎鹿 勇


Age 16
Gender female
Orientation Straight
Quirk Digitigrade
Height 5’8”
Nationality Japanese
Occupation Student
Affiliation UA High
”Come on girls, let's show 'em what we got.”

A go-getting second-year well on her way to stardom. She's here and ready to make statements, advocating for female heroes, equality and body positivity. If she can have some fun along the way, all the better!


  • fun-loving
  • energetic
  • fearless
  • irresponsible
  • childish
  • impulsive

Yuu has an insatiable thirst for adventure and rarely does anything she doesn't find intriguing or entertaining. Never one to shy away from a challenge, she's always game for a spur-of-the-moment deviation from the norm. She seeks out fellow risk-takers to join her in her antics, and thrives best in a casual, unstructured environment. She values her freedom and the ability to pursue what she wants, when she wants it. This freedom is a basic right in her mind, not a luxury. She sees no reason why she should be prohibited from this, as she has enough scruples not to use this freedom for things that would jeopardize said freedom. She doesn't want the freedom to do wrong, only the freedom to make harmless mistakes if she so chooses.

She has a hard time taking orders and following directions to the letter, much more prone to improvisation and last-minute changes. An extremely flexible person, this can be good or bad depending on the situation. She does her best to strive for the good, but is less strict with herself with the bad than perhaps she should be. Mistakes don't threaten her pride. Instead, if you imply she's incapable of meeting a challenge, that's when she's likely to get offended, and jump at the chance to prove you wrong. She does not like being underestimated or told who or what she can and can't be. Her goal is to write her own story, chart her own path, and she will take every opportunity to do so. She's not intimidated by the unknown; rather, it's the documented, established biases that make her nervous. Despite her confidence, she can't help but be cowed now and then by women who fit into society's ideal beauty standard.


Write about thier background here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus.











Dash Grass

The user takes off at top speed, going 0 to 45mph in 7 seconds flat.

Sprint Kick Type

She enters at a full run and rushes her opponent with a powerful flying kick.

Name Type

Describe move

Name Type

Describe move


Quirk: Digitigrade

Her legs are built so that she maneuvers on her toes instead of her whole foot. This increases her speed exponentially, as well as her overall mobility. She can reach peak speeds of 73kmp (45mph), and go from a standstill to full speed in 7 seconds. The joints in her legs also afford her added agility and mid-run maneuverability. She can make hairpin turns at high speeds, can leap 7 meters (25ft) in a single deliberate stride, and can jump almost 3 meters (8ft) high. In order to retain these abilities, she must keep in top physical form. Running at her top speed for any extended period of time depletes her energy reserves rapidly and can leave her dehydrated and in desperate need of calories to replenish what she used. If she pushes past that, she'll collapse from pure exhaustion.

This particular mutation in her legs is a family trait that goes back generations, to her fourth-great-grandfather, who had a Jackalope Quirk.


  • Her name contains the Kanji for 'rabbit' (兎, tsu) and 'deer' (鹿, shika). Her first name means 'courage' (勇).
  • Because of their lineage, she has a cousin, an uncle, and a grandfather who all have antlers along with the mutation in their legs.
  • Growing up, she participated in every kind of sport she could. Her mother came to every practice and every event. Yuu sees her mother as her Ultimate #1 Fan.
  • As a child, she didn't notice how different her legs were. But by the time she had reached middle school and many of her old friends began changing their priorities, it came to her attention that she was not attractive by normal standards. Her legs were ugly compared to other girls'. It took time and encouragement from her mother to get past it and realize it didn't matter. - From middle school on up, Yuu spent more time with the boys in her peer group than the girls. She always got along well with others, but she seemed to fit in with them more than her fellow females.
  • She can't wear shoes. She doesn't fit into certain clothes, especially from the women's section. This used to discourage her. Now she just buys what she feels most comfortable in.
  • She DOES NOT like the U.A. uniform, since she finds it extremely unflattering to her figure, and just. not comfortable.
  • She's won numerous awards in sports throughout her school years, including but not limited to: track & field (relays, dashes, hurdles, high/long jump), cross country, softball, karate, volleyball, basketball, skateboarding, and gymnastics.
  • Early on in her career as a Pro, she becomes a fast inspiration for young women, a symbol of positive body image and self-esteem. She uses her own struggles with her mutation and lack of traditional femininity, and encourages others, especially women, to feel comfortable in their own skin.
  • Despite going to UA, she didn't officially meet Tenya until after she had already graduated, as she was a grade ahead of him. In his senior year, he interned at the agency where she was a sidekick.
  • After some time working together, Tenya catches the feels first and approaches with a request to court her (yes, this is how he phrases it). Yuu, who's a bit... spooked? by the idea of this kind of commitment? asks for time to think it over. A month goes by of rather awkward interaction, Yuu gets herself together, reminding herself that it's just dating (for now), and after a ridiculous race challenge before work one day, she agrees to go out with him.
  • Her voice-claim is Amber Liu.
