Tobias's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

umikat Global Rules


★ UmikahW's Design T.O.S ★

- I'm fairly lenient when it comes to rules on my designs.

- Once its yours, it's yours. Do whatever you like with them in accordance to redesign or recolour. 

- Do not remove my signature on the artwork. It may be moved or transparency can be lowered, but it must always be visible.

- Editing the design is allowed, but do not alter the design's original artwork to accomplish this. Everything must be done on a NEW REFERENCE.

★ These rules only apply to purchased or traded designs ★

- I will hold a design for 48 hours once it has been claimed. If you fail to notify me that you have received the files or accept the transfer within that amount of time, the adopt will be released and you cannot claim it again.

- All of my designs can be resold, no matter the means of obtaining them. For designs you have bought off me, do not resell for a higher price unless they have gained extra art!

- Traded designs cannot be sold for money. An exception to this rule may be in a design has gained extra commissioned or original art by the time of reselling. Reselling an originally traded design with extra art, however, must only be sold for the amount the commissioned or original artwork cost. 

- I am willing to take back a design if no longer wanted, however, I will not try to forcefully reclaim it.

- Once you own one of my designs you can redesign them at your leisure but keep in mind these rules will still apply! If you end up changing them so much you believe that this rule should no longer apply, message me and we'll talk about it! :D

- Personal use only, ask about commercial!

Updated: 17 / 02 / 2022