


5 years, 2 months ago




«Name: Spooky»

«Age: Unknown, believed to be about 250+»

«Species: Iridescent-Level Mors»

«Gender: Male»

«Status: Alive»

Spooky is a young man, standing at 5'11 with a fairly lean build. His hair is a pale orange that almost appears pink in some lighting. His eyes are a more intense orange, and due to being a Mors, will glow in low light. His blood is orange, and he has a crack running down the side of his face, not dissimilar to a breaking egg. His teeth, like those of all Mors, are sharklike and can regrow quickly when broken or lost. He has one horn and the stump remains of the other are covered by flowers. He has floating orange wings that feel sticky to the touch. They disappear when he is asleep or unconscious and return when he's awake. His wardrobe mainly consists of fancier clothes like suits, and turtleneck sweaters. He wears his tie almost every day, and the face on it can change expressions when he does. When asked, he claims it's his "buddy" although the tie does not appear to have any sentience or intellect of its own.
A young Mors, found by MiEL in the woods while they were on their walk. Taking him in and to meet the Queen of Threads, Polymitarius, the young Mors, nicknamed Spooky until he could recover his memories, was permitted to stay with MiEL as a gesture of goodwill. As he recovered physically, he began to entrench himself in the social life of Threads- becoming like one in all aspects but physical. Generally accepted for his good, if mischievous nature, he lives with MiEL in hopes of finding out who he is- or rather, who he was.

Spooky is good-natured and kind albeit a little dense. He's quick to help out as much as he can but if the task isn't simple he's more likely to get in the way. He's an ok listener when it comes to normal conversation, but when given a list of instructions or items he has to have them repeated to him several times. He's very much an extrovert, eager to get into the social setting of wherever he is although he can be very clingy to people who he has known a long time, although he never tries to isolate or harm them in any way, he just accidentally latches on due to comfort.
Spooky is rather clumsy which he beats himself up for, but is overall a bright and shiningly happy guy with a warm heart for everyone.
He sometimes has very odd dreams that affect his mood very negatively, but he can never remember them other than a looming sadness and tired feeling. He's worried they may have to do with his life before he was found.

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