Hushan Isao



5 years, 3 months ago


General Information

Name: Isao Hushan

Gender: Male

Age: 18 (S1-current)

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Occupation: Student

Height: 173cm/5'8"

Weight: 91.6kg/202lbs

Hair Color: White

Hair Type: Coarse

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: Albino

Nationality: Chinese

School: U.A. High School

Class: 3-B (Hero Course)

Distinguishing Features: Furry ears, tail, and claws. Also has stripes of darker pigment all the way down his back, and even on his face.

Hero/Villain Profile

 Hero/villain Name: The Shaolin Hero, Tai

  Costume: pictured above

  Quirk: Bengel

  Weapons: His bare hands + claws

  Gadgets/Tech: TBA



Personality: intense, ambitious, passionate, formal, intelligent, analytical, strategic, quick-thinking, confident, clever, efficient, dominant, intolerant, ruthless, bitter, distant

Likes: Training, dandan noodles, meditating, warm milk with a dash of vanilla, birdwatching, swimming, the zither

Dislikes: Ignorance, prejudice, being deaf, bad luck

Habits: Uses his tail subconsciously to indicate mood. Doesn't talk, even though he technically is capable.

Fears: Bad luck, being alone, wildnerness, getting lost

- Fighting -

Leadership: 3/5
Physical Strength: 5/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Stamina: 4/5
Observation: 4/5
Agility: 5/5
Mental Strength: 4/5
Willpower: 4/5

- Natural -

Confidence: 3/5
Charisma: 3/5
Feminity: 3/5
Sincerity: 2/5
Humor: 1/5
Social Skills: 3/5
Empathy: 2/5
Patience: 3/5


 Family: parents, grandparents, great grandfather

 Romantic Interests:





 Name: Bengel

 Description: He comes from a long line of tiger mutants who all possess the traits of the iconic big cat, from dense muscular composition, to powerful strength and agility, to feats of balance and stealth. They can even roar!

 Strength: The power packed into a single unrestrained blow from his hand is enough to cave in a cow's skull! When trained to extremes, Isao and any of his clan members are terrifying hand-to-hand combatants with the ability to end a fight with a single strike. Combined with their natural speed, agility, and balance, they're some of the fierces fighters in the eastern hemisphere.

 Weaknesses: Their niche is physical combat. They can do very little against ranged attacks or defense abilities. On top of that, Isao himself is almost completely deaf thanks to his albinism and must rely on all his other senses to compensate.

 What age did you obtain it: Birth

 How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): All members of his family are born with the tiger-like mutations, as marriage tends to be limited to people who possess compatible Quirks or no Quirks at all.


- His name contains the characters for 'tiger' (虎, hu) and 'mountain' (山, shan). In Japanese, his surname is read as 'Torayama'. His first name means 'honor; merit' (功).

- In his home village, all the clan children began training in Shaolin from the early age of 6 years old, respecting generations of tradition. The only gaps in his professional training has been his 3 years at U.A., and even then, he's maintained his personal regiment in his private time. He plans to return to his temple after graduation for a few more years of training before he makes his official debut as a Pro Hero.

- His voice claim is Lee George (as Kirishima Ikuya from Free!).