


5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Hinode Toshiaki

Kanji Name:

日ノ出 寿明

Pro Hero Name:

The Starburst Hero: Glitterbug










Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: Student

Hair Color: Blond

Hair Type: Normal

Eye Color: Black sclera, pink iris

Skin Color: Tan

Nationality: Australian-Japanese

Distinguishing Features: A large pair of expandable butterfly wings and a pair of antennae

Hero/Villain Profile

  Gadgets/Tech: High-power shades, glitter-bombs, steel-toes in his boots, heel shanks, and micro-fiber solar panels on the "petals" that make up his gauntlets, which power his tech.



Personality: vivacious, cheerful, charismatic, gregarious, understanding, sympathetic, idealistic, hard-working, emotionally-driven, tireless, sensitive, indecisive

Likes: Dance, electro swing, EDM, media club, bakeries, warm pastries, berries, sweet tea, ramen, scarves, silk pajamas, retro fashion, old cars, big dogs, songbirds, flashlights, stars, anything shiny, action adventure films, sci-fi, horror, roleplaying games, group board games, camping, hiking, kites, milkshakes, fried chicken, cold pizza

Dislikes: The lack of music, heavy metal rock, mathematics, dark alleys, leftover noodles, carbonated drinks, cabbage, suits, heavy coats, bikes, snakes, geese, the dark, the color black, being alone, serial dramas, most historical romances, solo games, walking, whittling, savory drinks, boring food

Habits: Always moving. Can't really hold still, always tapping a foot, bouncing his knee, wiggling to music in his head (or headphones if he has them on). Hums a lot while working, breaks into song at random moments (sometimes just to sing whatever he's saying), loves to make movie references. He also tends to turn most tasks, especially menial ones, into friendly competitions just to spice things up. He uses his hands A LOT in communication, his faves being fingerguns, finger-wiggle waves, and the I Love U hand sign. Energy and enthusiasm seeps from his very pores, and drips from every word he says.

Fears: The dark, brawlers, losing his wings, snakes, spiders, planes

- Fighting -

Leadership: 4/5
Physical Strength: 2/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Stamina: 3/5
Observation: 3/5
Agility: 5/5
Mental Strength: 3/5
Willpower: 4/5

- Natural -

Confidence: 3/5
Charisma: 5/5
Feminity: 3/5
Sincerity: 5/5
Humor: 4/5
Social Skills: 5/5
Empathy: 4/5
Patience: 3/5


 Family: Hinode Nobuyuki (信行) & Kyo (杏) (father & mother; Quirks: Dragonfly and Photosynthesis)

 Romantic Interests: 






 Name: Sunsoak

 Description: His wings act like solar panels. They store direct sunlight, which is then translated into blinding energy pulses he can release at will from the wings' surface. They can shine so brightly, he could potentially render his opponent permanently blind. 

 Strength: His Quirk works best for surprise attacks and warding. He can leap into the fray and flash his wings to blind his enemy in order for another combatant to swoop in while the enemy is deterred. 

 Weaknesses: His wings are very fragile and prone to breaking. He has very little self-defense capability beyond his light energy, and must rely on others to make up for his lack of offensive power. He is also highly sensitive to weather, particularly overcast days, which effect him like a sedative.

 How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): He actually did not have wings as a child. Nor did he seem to have a Quirk, being a late bloomer while the rest of his friends manifested theirs. But not long after his 6th birthday, he developed a chrysalis, which put him to sleep for a week inside a rock-hard cocoon. This terrified his parents until they realized what was going on. When he broke out again, he didn't realize how much time had passed, and had also lost weight and replaced it with a pair of glittery pink wings.


- His name contains the Kanji for 'sun' (日, hi) and 'bright' (寿, toshi)

- His wings also shed thousands of "scales" that look like actual glitter. They don't do anything, but he doesn't make people privvy to that, just so he can have fun throwing the scales in peoples' faces like fairy dust.

- He's very earnest and tends to mean everything he says. He expects the same from everyone else.

- He loves swing and has practiced the dance since middle school.

- His favorite movies are The Little Prince, Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, & Mama. Favorite TV shows are Stranger Things and Fruits Basket.

- He prefers hero work that's low profile--like giving people directions, stopping petty criminals, assisting the elderly or doing odd jobs for people. 

- He's actually very protective of his wings. He doesn't like people touching them, especially without his permission. They're highly sensitive appendages and very sensitive to pain.

- He buys one poster for all of his favorite movies and bands, even if he doesn't have the wall space. 

- One of his favorite pastimes is buying random gifts for his friends and family. For no reason.

- He almost always smiles.

- But he's actually a lot more unsure of himself than he lets on.

- His voice is Jerry Jewell (Kyo from Fruits Basket or Isogai from Assassination Classroom).