Mirror Ice



5 years, 6 months ago


Mirror Ice

Unknown | 5'7" | Light | Mist


Apathetic - Snarky - Condescending - Hollow - Blunt

Mirror's personality has largely been modeled off of the people he had seen in his life, however long it may be. He's very snarky and condescending, viewing others as below him due to his somewhat immortal nature. He'll also say whatever the hell he wants to say, caring little for whoever's feelings get hurt. While he has been seen acting out certain emotions, he can't genuinely feel said emotions and for the most part is only mimicking what he's seen others do when they feel emotions (IE: Cry when sad, smile and laugh when happy, shudder when scared). A lack of emotions also means he's never phased by anything, be it violence, death, jump-scares or any of the sort.

Although, sometimes he wonders what it would be like, to feel things...


Long ago, a strange Witch desired a child to raise, but cared little about actually caring for a child made of flesh, as she found them to be "too much work, with all their needs". But to her, a pet rock was too boring. So, she attempted to make one, one without needs, thoughts, feelings or anything of the sort, modeling the creature after a certain someone she met. It was successful, and a creature of Magic was born. However, to keep it alive it needed a constant amount of magic, something the witch could not provide. To remedy this, she changed the creature's makeup from magic to mist, and as such it only needed water to survive, and not a constant stream of it to the glee of its maker.

Unfortunately for her, with a inconsistent need of water came times where it didn't think of its need, and times where it did: Its first thoughts. At some point it came across a picture of the individual that it was modeled off of, and came its second thought of "Who is this?" Soon after thoughts, came a personality: A very curious one, at first, as it learned of the world around it, of the Witch and what she had done...However, the Witch soon perished, presumably due to her other experiment going awry.

Left with no parental figure, it took over the home of the Witch, and went out on occasions, meeting the people there. It was here that it gained most of the things it has to day: A name, a personality beyond "curious", an identity...

A creature later named Mirror Ice.


  • Mirror Ice, for one, is nearly impossible to kill. He may "die", but he will always return unless his heart [which is stabbed by the back shard] is ripped out 
  • He can regenerate limbs.
  • As a bonus, his mirror wing can store one attack per shard "feather", which he can later use against opponents. 
  • Due to lacking a soul, he is practically immune to any soul-stealing moves.
  • On top of lacking emotions, he can't feel anything physical, which is a blessing and a curse as he won't be slowed down by pain, but at the same token he won't notice the amount of damage he's taken.
  • His mirror wing can store any magical attacks thrown at him, to be used later.


  • Does not have a reflection of his own.
  • Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3B-fvXIh4aat2m7cQMMEjkI_KhCRCJEB
  • Some theorize that Mirror is actually the re-incarnation of a Deity known as Doppelganger, a once narcissistic god who perished when his mirror domain was destroyed. It's unclear if this is the case or not, as Mirror doesn't recall having a past life...though, he does get odd dreams of a god with a church full of mirrors...