
Name: Blue Cornwall

Age: 14

Ethnicity: American

Height: 4'11 ft (150 cm)

Birthday: June 10
Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Languages: English

Personality: Blue is very sweet, shy, gentle, and awkward. She gets nervous easily and worries over silly things. She is very quiet, but doesn't mind talking to others and making new friends, in fact, she loves it. Blue is also very cheerful and outwardly positive, and loves being able to help others, even if she has no idea what to do. She has a strong childlike innocence to her, which most people find calming.

Likes: animals, video games, the water, bubbles, Christmas lights, seafood
Dislikes: carrots, thunder, the dark, spiders, people raising their voices

Extra Facts:
- Blue's magical ability is water manipulation, which allows her to generate water from her body or manipulate existing water in any shape or form. This is also known as a pure elemental ability, which is an extremely rare form of power.
- Blue's family consists of her mother, father, and younger brother, Brett.
- Blue's mother's ability is forming bubbles, and her father has the ability to create water from his hands. Her little brother has the ability of shooting water from his mouth.
- Blue is extremely short, and has barely grown since she was ten. She's very insecure about her height.
- She is surprisingly extremely good at video games, and prefers playing RPG's with a story line.
- Despite her ability being water, she ironically has never learned how to properly swim.
- She loves watching old classic movies, and is a big fan of them.
- She has always been sent to normal school, but upon entering high school, she decided to attend a magic based school in order to learn more about her ability and make herself stronger.
- Her favorite drink is apple juice.
- She loves all types of seafood, especially shrimp and crab.
- Her favorite color is blue.