Blackberry (OC)



5 years, 2 months ago


Design notes: 
The front part of the body is very fluffy and gradually becoming a little less fluffy in the other half/back of her body. (except of her tail - it is long and fluffy and she sometimes uses it as a pillow). 

Nickname(s): Black, Berry

Position: Outcast of the pack

Specie: Wolf + husky mix

Sex:  Female

Age (in human years): 14-17

Location: Forest, edge of her (former) pack's territory

Special abillities: Her eyes turn orange when she feels intense emotions. If these emotions continue or intesify, the orange lightnings will strike from her eyes. These lightnings can be harmless at first, but as her feelings pile up, they can become rather destructive. Their destructive power depends on emotion´s intensity and what kind of emotion she feels. (Example: Overly happy – harmless lightnings, sudden outburst of happiness – can harm those around, anger – will hurt those around even when it isn't that intense.)

Personality: Sensitive to feelings and reactions of others and her own (which can be both good and bad thing depending on situation), self-conscious about her appearence, timid, actually funny when she feels safe around someone, good listener, doesn't talk that much except if something is important or interesting to her, than she talks more, might talk about something she doesn't have much info or doesn't have verified about just to keep the convo going - doesn't want to look like looser/uneducated.

Relationships: Best friend of Kaze, oblivious to his crush on her. Once met Gray, she seemed vaguely familiar. Feels weirdly connected with her.