
Name: Red Krister

Age: 15-16

Ethnicity: Cuban-American

Height: 5'6 ft (168 cm)

Birthday: October 28
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Languages: English, spanish

Personality: Red is very hyper, upbeat, and energetic. She gets distracted easily, and spends a lot of time focusing on the things she wants. She's pretty clumsy and a huge airhead, and isn't very good with her studies, but her heart's in the right place. She loves her friends a lot, and prefers spending her time with them rather than alone. She's very childish, but when needed she can put on a serious front.

Likes: Cats, fire, her family, flowers, sneakers, comics, running, drawing, sleeping
Dislikes: studying, math, confronting others, sitting around for too long

 Extra Facts:
- Red's magical ability is fire manipulation, which allows her to generate fire from her body or manipulate existing fire in any shape or form. This is also known as a pure elemental ability, which is an extremely rare form of power.
- Red's family consists of her mother, father, her older sister Rosie, older brother Ben, her younger brothers Alfred and Droy, and younger sister Eliza. Red was the middle child until Droy was born, making her the third oldest.
- Red is the only one in her family who can use magic, including her mother.
- Red's mother has the ability to generate fire, her father is unable to use magic, making Red a Half-Blood.
- Because she's able to use magic, she has always been sent to magic based schools.
- She used to play soccer in elementary school, but quit when she entered middle school.
- She is half Cuban from her father's side.
- She loves cats, and owns one named Kathy.
- At the moment, she is very unsure of what she wants to do with her future, but is interested in doing something with drawing.
- She has a slight fear of the dark, and still sleeps with a night light.
- Her favorite things to eat are cheese pizza and shrimp alfredo pasta.
- Her favorite color is red.