Dreadglide (httyd hybrid)



original adopt: https://www.deviantart.com/fury-fan/art/Massive-Flight-Fury-Adopts-OPEN-632749413

Name: Dreadglide
Species: flightmare x night fury
Gender: ???
Sex: male ((It is unknown if Dreadglide is capable of reproducing or even if they would be able to successfully court any other dragons.))

Basic backstory:
Dreadglide is a flightmare/nightfury hybrid. Their night fury parent ended up partnering with a flightmare due to the near extinction of their species, making it impossible to find any other night furies. Eventually the night fury parent was killed by Grimmel the Grisly, and once they were strong enough to fend for themselves, Dreadglide left their flightmare parent's territory to live a solitary life the way that flightmares do.

General stats:


fire type:
similar to bright blue butane fire. Shot in messy, smoke-heavy bursts that don't travel as far or accurately as night fury fire. The smoke is thick and noxious due to something close to flightmare toxin.

uneven needle-like teeth, small nose horn, back spines, tendril/tattered looking wings with long clawed 'thumb', small tendril/ear structures, small secondary wing surface, small tail fins, irregular dark scales above, paler belly scutes below.

eerie roar
glows subtly in speckled pattern at will
short range echolocation(?)/excellent hearing for good navigation at night
camouflages well with the night sky due to dark body, glowing dots and smoke
teeth can wiggle in their gums. This does nothing but is very weird.
better flight stamina than a night fury, but lesser than a flightmare.

unevenly mottled dull purple, grey and dark blue with sparse blue bioluminescent dots

size: medium dragon- 28ft long
weight: 900lbs ((nearly half the weight of a night fury, but heavier than a flightmare. Might be heavier with better diet))
wingspan: 47.5ft wide

glowing algae, other algae, plankton and fish small enough to swallow whole.

roar: vocalisations similar to- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWLVf5CSxic

habitat: the open ocean, low rocky outcrops, small islands with no humans on them.

distribution: barbarian archipelago, algae island, isle of night, seasonal ocean routes following krill, algae, etc.

trainable: Uncertain