


5 years, 2 months ago




↠ "I don't walk along with anybody, and I dont stop to talk to anybody"

Traits Hot tempered - Flirty - Charming - Stubborn - Big Ego - Quick witted - Lean
Likes  Joking around - Making friends - Showing off
Dislikes  Being emotional - Deathberries - Admitting to his mistakes
Moral Alignment
True Neutral

↠ "To be all apart, to be all untied"


↠ "Where the dying art be the sum of the parts, and apart is where we stay"

↠ "And you don't right or wrong for anybody, you just put it on your shelf"

Pine was a well respected warrior in a group of exiled rougues. On their journey to find a new home, Pine acted as the groups natural deputy, leading hunts and making decisions, as the groups leader was growing sicker as the days past. His mate, Ripple, convinced him that the two of them would raise Snow, who had no living relatives (Or so the group thought.) Snow had unusual gifts, and saw visions of a far away land that the cats could settle in. After some hesitation from other members of the group, their leader commanded that the group would follow Snow's visions without question. But after the passing of the groups leader, Pine was appointed temporary leader, with Snow taking on the duties of a prophet. Upon finding their new home, the cats rejoiced, thanking Snow, and Pine for their aid in the journey. The cats settled in the mountains, most happy with their new, permanent home. Others however, were not so keen on living in rocky and dangerous territory, Pine being the ringleader of said cats. Ripple disagreed, saying that taking the territory below would just drive out the pre-existing inhabitants of the forest. Their argument grew hostile, with Pine eventually giving up and leaving with the cats who supported him. Ripple, upset, and unsure what to do, turned to his daughter, who suggested going after Pine, and attempting to reason with him. A few cats accompanied Ripple, to ensure his safety on the trip. Upon seeing Ripple, Pine was furious, driving the cats out of the territory they had now claimed. After constant conflict, with Ripple trying to convince Pine, and Pine growing more aggrssive, a fight finally broke out between them, resulting in Ripple's death at the paws of Pine. Heartbroken, and horrified, Pine ran off. In his panicked, and wrecked state, he mistook a patch of deathberries as edible, and injested them, suffocating and dying soon after. After this incident, the clans Pineclan and Rippleclan formed, each blaming the other for the death of their leader. Many of Pine's follower's were horrified by Pine's actions, and joined Rippleclan, dwindling the groups numbers.  

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