Altan (2019-2023)




Name 8264
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Role Knight
Theme Stay


826 has always been desperate for approval. He lost his tail whole trying to impress his fellow knights. He also lost their respect. No with nothing and no-one to hold him back, 826 has turned against the Solaris Kingdom. He's begun smuggling people out of the kingdom, risking his own life for their chance at freedom. 'Altan' is very closed off emotionally, he's never truly had 'friends' before or any relationships. He's very rude and sometimes cruel. 'Altan' still has much to learn, and with his stubborn nature learning will take time. 




Nym ( Friend? )
Altan now sees Nym as a friend and trusted ally. Although Altan still struggles to control his temper, he's trying to be more understanding thanks to Nym's kindness towards him. Maybe outsiders aren't all bad.

Polais ( 8646 ) ( Unsure )
Polais was the one who brought 'Altan' into the smuggling. They're not 'friends' and can't talk publicly but Altan respects the guy. 

Name ( relationship )
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