


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info






Mystic Elven (Sacrificial)

Official Title

Eternal Angel of Death


Sunny days, staying with Will for more lengthy periods of time, amusement parks, ice cream, girly things, baking, painting


Long and painful ends, time being cut short, seeing Will in pain, rain, spicy foods, conflict, when people won't tell her what's wrong


//needs visual rework

Felicity was a normal human girl, once. But there was always something special about her. It was as if the gods themselves were always watching over her, favoring her, loving her.

Felicity radiated pureness wherever she went. People were always stricken with her and were attracted to her gentle energy.

She met Will one day in a forest. She had no idea how she'd gotten there, and she'd lost her memory. Her gentle and pure energy reminded Will of Abel, and he decided to look after her. Over time they bonded, and she became like a little sister to him. No matter how much time went by, though, she never got her memories back. But that was alright, she was happy to make new ones with Will and Abel.

One day, tragedy struck. Will had made a mistake. Unable to bear the thought of losing him, Felicity sacrificed her own life for his...but something happened. As she died, she was consumed with a bright, pure light, her body lifted to the heavens.

For a while, Will and Abel had no idea what it meant...until one day, they met again. There Felicity was, alive and well, except for a scar around her neck, the cause of her first death...and of course, she was no longer human. She was an elf now, though thankfully her true form is invisible to normal humans. Now she also had the mark of an Eternal Sacrifice-the sacrificial sword pendant hanging from her neck.

None of them knew what it all meant at first, as the gods were silent, and Felicity remembered nothing of the time she was dead.

Then it happened again, she died to save Will's life.

And again.

And again.

Felicity's only purpose of existing is to protect and save Will.

It devastates him, and disoriented her at first. She couldn't handle the pain. But as time grew on, she got more used to it, and did not let the constant pain and death ruin her cheerful optimism. If it means saving the man who once saved her, she man who took care of her like a sister, she was just fine dying over and over for all eternity for him.

Sometimes, Felicity is reborn for mere seconds before she dies again...but other times, she stays days. weeks, months even. They never have any way of knowing. And as long as she can continue to make memories with the two people dearest to her, that's all that matters.