Connell Lane



5 years, 2 months ago


Connell was a natural born werewolf born to a family of backwater country weres with some problematic attitudes towards those that weren't like them.   As a middle child in a sea of too many siblings, not much was expected of him, except that he grow up right and be a productive member of the pack.  Unfortunately growing up right and being a productive member of the pack required he be anti-undead, violent and crass.

Fortunately for him, he was named after a great great Uncle who was certainly more refined, and wealthy to boot.  He was named this way in hopes of attracting some of that fortune into their own lives (as were many of his siblings).  It worked. Just not the way they had been planning.  Great Great Uncle Connell took one look at teenager Connell and said the only way he was leaving him anything was if the youngster came and lived with him during his last two years of highschool.  

Not ones to look a gift of money in the teeth, and none too concerned about sending off one of their large brood, Connell's parents packed him off.  To say those years were formative, confusing, and hard would be a severe understatement.  His great uncle was able to introduce Connell to ideas and behaviors that he'd never had a chance to explore and in such a way to encourage him to grow and change into his best self.  At home he felt like clay in a mold, with Uncle Connell his horizons expanded and he learned how to move past his family's prejudices.

 When his graduation arrived his family tried to bring him back into the fold, but Connell immediately signed up for the military and was able to dodge going "home".  He didn't stay in the military long, but he enjoyed the time he spent there. During his military years and even when he left it to take care of his failing uncle his relationship with his immediate family deteriorated. When his great uncle passed, leaving Connell literally everything, he broke any remaining ties with his family and set himself up in the city.

Not many know of his origins, as he doesn't find it interesting to talk about, and he's mostly known from open mic nights in bars where he enjoys singing and playing the occasional guitar. Connell's charismatic and able to foster an incredible list of acquaintances and a wide network of friends.  They keep him busy with inviting him to parties and hang outs or even offering him jobs here and there. He's a bit of a jack of all trades, doing a bit of everything.  Everything including finding bar fights to be recreational.  His early influences haven't lingered other then an impression that vampires come with way too much drama and no thank you.