Moutee Dolupp



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Moutee Dolupp


Female (she/her)


8.31 Sweeps (18)


Asexual, Andromantic (Would only pail to continue her bloodline)

Blood color:



Caprittarius, sign of the rift


Witch of void




Are you happy now?

Moutee is a purple performer on Alternia, her performances are more of that to Ballet plays but it's mostly her telling a story with her dolls that she has set up on rail systems on the top of the stage. Her personality comes off as a little too friendly and eager, she's very excitable and loves talking to others especially since she rarely gets a chance to do so. She is freakishly obsessive with things that are cute, and will often focus a majority of her speech on praising on people look, or refer to them affectionately, such as calling other 'doll, angel, darling, sweetheart' but knows to stop when she makes someone uncomfortable. She also calls people closer to her 'brother and sister' unless they do not have identifying pronouns, in which she will revert back to her normal affectionate words. She will also automatically call others of her blood color brother and sister, unless the same reason happens above.

Despite her overly positive demeanor, she has her own little.. quirks.

She despises negative responses, to the point being told no will often cause her to almost break 'character' like her personality in total is a charade. She will often snap back to it, and blow off the response, telling the person it's better to agree. Although this reaction is not triggered maliciously, it can probably be a deterrent for other people. She can take it, but it's obvious something about the response will bother her but she'll never give a clue to why. She refuses to talk about it.

Moutee's eyes are virtually lifeless, no shine goes into them and it makes some of her facial expression almost horrifying especially when she doesn't blink. She can hold her eyes open for a very very long time, and with how thin her eyelids are she sometimes almost looks like she doesn't blink at all. It's fucking creepy really.

Her stage is splattered with multiple blood colors, but it's not shown until you're on the stage yourself that she has bodies strung up by their necks and limbsĀ above the stage, leaving their body to drip their color below, it's not uncommon for her to leave the stage covered in the colors of her victims.


Her first name is a combination of the words Morir, Morte, and Poupee, all french words meaning 'To die' 'dead' and 'doll'

Her name can be pronounced "Moo-tea" (how I like to say it personally), "Mo-Tea" or "M-Oh-tea"

Her last name is a bastardized version of the words "Doll up", basically a phrase referring to someone doing their make up and getting prettied up.

She is extremely asexual and the idea of pailing disgusts her heavily, in terms of romanticism she is actually very affectionate. But sex to her is kind of just for the purpose of possibly continuing her bloodline.

Her eyes are dead af looking for a reason. They're not hers.