


5 years, 2 months ago


Name: Thymos Windwhisper
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Fierna Tiefling
Class: Bard
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 5' 9"
Sexuality: Asexual Gay
Relationship status: Single

His mom has had many lovers throughout her life and had a lot of kids, Thymos is the second to youngest and he enjoys playing music to help raise the moral of anyone around him, especially since his mom has a chronic illness (#buildaladder). He grew up in a decently diverse area, on the edge of the town, where his mom lives with his many half-siblings, a few of their dads live nearby.

here is his (biological) family:

-Kara Windwhisper (mom), 58, human "Druid"

-Malzer Damron (dad), 83, Tiefling Cleric

-Melanee Windwhisper (eldest sister, trans), 39, half-elf Merchant (secret pirate)

-Volen Windwhisper (eldest brother), 34 , human baker

-Pashar Windwhisper (youngest brother), 30, half-elf cleric

-Thymos Windwhisper, the myth, the legend, best boy, 25

-Poppy Windwhisper (youngest sister), 15, halfling (officially adopted at 13)

I dropped out of the campaign I was playing as him in, the whole vibe felt hostile towards me and I'm really uncomfortable with some things that happened in it. Thus his design update, no more physical or mental scars other than what was already there from his past. Also no more Snowball, the imp cat familiar I not only didn't ask for but never understood why I had, especially in the way he was obtained. (aka for free, thru a dream. Out of nowhere.)