


5 years, 1 month ago


Air and wind – ELOWYN - Over Hakaoh – Gay male? Loves everything material, but is also the most artistic and creative of the council. Flirty, flamboyant, pretty agreeable, everyone likes them and he’s always fun to be around. Can be spacey and a little air-headed, but it’s what you would expect. Uses his powers for fun more than for work, which bothers Water, but everyone else doesn’t seem to care too much. Pretty gullible and more emotionally sensitive than the others.

https://www.deviantart.com/jackalgiana/art/Viscet-CM-0050-806729647 OG post

Male | God of the storms, lightning, and wind | Ancient
Guardian of Hakaoh | Chaotic Neutral

Elowyn is considered the most playful and flamboyant of the gods. He could be seen as materialistic, but he is also the most artistic and creative of the five council members. He's flirty, fun, agreeable, and as a general consensus, everyone likes him. He can be spacey and a little air-headed, but it's what you would expect. Elowyn also uses his powers and abilities more for fun than for anything else which irritates Constance to no end, but the others don't seem to care too much. He is also pretty gullible and will usually go along with any idea presented to him. He is easy to sway in one direction or another which often makes him a target for Lucius when he needs someone to back him up. Elowyn also acts as a counteract to Constance's strictness and uptight attitude. Other than that, he's fairly unpredictable and hard to understand. He does his best to keep the mood light, though it's not always possible, even for him.

His relationship with Eiren is simple, however. Like with most issues, Elowyn avoids taking sides and tries to stay between both parties in order not to get involved. Lucius has a huge impact on what he thinks, decides, and says, however, and the other god will often use Elowyn's indecisiveness to his advantage. The god of storms is never sure what to do with Eiren or what to say around him.