Lin Faulkner



5 years, 3 months ago


Lin's Bio

General Info

Full Name: Lindsey Faulkner
Nickname(s): Lin, Linny
Title(s): The Void Ranger
Class: Hunter
Main Subclass: Nightstalker

Faction(s): Vanguard
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Birthday: December 3rd, XXXX
Orientation/Sexual preference: Heterosexual
Height: 5’2"
Weight: 115lbs

Age: Unknown but she looks like she’s in her mid to late 20's
Visage: Smooth and elegant, heart shaped head.
Eye color(s): Sky Blue
Complexion: Slightly tan\Peach
Body type: hourglass shape figure
Health: healthy and in shape.
Body abnormalities: She has a prosthetic carbon fiber arm on her right side that starts at her shoulder.
Scars: One visibly large scar on the skin around her prosthetic
Hair color(s): Light pink.
Hair length: Her hair ends at the middle of her back.
Hair style(s): Lin’s hair is typically worn down and lays on her back; however, her hair can rest over one or both of her shoulders.

Note: When she is out fighting or is wearing a helmet, her hair is always up in a tight messy bun.

Preferred Fashion: Lightweight armor that fits well but is also comfy to wear, leather or spandex are preferred, long or scarf-like cloaks, loves fur armor, clothing always looks clean, loves wearing matching colors, likes to look elegant but dangerous.

Armor set(s):
Set 1:
Helmet: Mask of Optimacy
Chest: Vest of Optimacy
Gauntlets: Arms of Optimacy
Legs: Legs of Optimacy
Cloak: Coronation Cloak

Set 2: (Main set)
Helmet: Graviton Forfeit
Chest: Neoteric Kiyot Vest
Gauntlets: Interlaced Grips
Legs: Frumious Strides
Cloak: Neoteric Kiyot Cloak

Ghost’s Shell(s): Crimson Shell


Personality Traits
Mental state: Mostly Healthy but her mind can revert back to being traumatized from the Red War and other traumatic events.
Most prominent trait(s): Confident, caring, motherly towards loved ones, protective towards friends and family, serious on the battlefield, somewhat sassy, sarcastic, and a smart ass.
Best traits of their personality: Her kindness, dedication, and loyalty.
Worst personality traits: How serious she can get, her sass, too caring at times.

Personality traits(in depth)
●Lin has always been a modest and kind-hearted individual, to those she feels close and comfortable with.
● She is quiet, somewhat cold, and tries to act tough; towards people she isn’t familiar with.
●She puts her friends and family before herself and will do anything to protect them.
●If her loved ones are threatened, Lin will become consumed by anger and will rush into the situation without thinking logically.
●she loves being sassy and sarcastic but knows when time to stop.

Hobbies: Drinking coffee(That's totally a hobby), Sewing, Creating her own armor out of materials she finds on her adventures, Crucible, Repairing damaged Ghost shell.

Fears: Death, not being there for her loved ones, being left behind, becoming lightless, losing her ghost, War Beast, the Darkness
Weaknesses/Disadvantages: Fragile(lacking defense), reckless at times, acts on her emotions, she can get overconfident, vulnerable while shooting her shadowshot.


For sale: Never

Do NOT use this character, her bio, or art!