
Name: Ryan Kash
Name Meaning: little king

Age: 14-15

Ethnicity: Irish-American

Height: 5'7 ft (170 cm)

Birthday: February 17
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Languages: English

Personality: Ryan is very serious and down to earth. He's soft, kind and caring, and extremely observant, and can easily tell if someone is lying.  He isn't afraid of sacrificing his self to help others, and is always willing to offer a hand in need. However, despite his friendly nature, he actually has a hard time making friends and is often found alone.

Likes: aquariums, dogs, reading, seashells, bubble tea, organizing things in boxes
Dislikes: lying, running, roaches, being treated like a child, fighting

Extra Facts:
- Ryan's magical ability is teleportation, and he can teleport himself or anything he touches. However, he can only teleport to places he's been before, or if the place is in a close enough range because he needs to be able to visualize it. If he has the exact coordinates and a detailed image of the place, he can teleport that way as well, however it takes much more energy from him and he can only teleport himself.
- He is Irish from his maternal grandmothers side.
- His family consists of his mother, father, maternal grandfather, and his older sister, Katelyn.
- His mother has the ability of telepathy, and his father has a wood manipulation ability. His grandfather shares his teleportation ability, and his sister has electricity manipulation abilities.
- The legend about the elemental stones travels down from his mother's side of the family
- He's kind of insecure about his height, as he's the shortest guy among his friends, and insists that he's going to grow taller.
- He has always attended magic based schools
- His family is the head of the magic council, but prominently work in the American branch. Ryan's mother is the current head in charge.
- His favorite flavor of boba tea is taro
- His favorite color is yellow