Samuel Reilly



5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

I make changes all the time!

if something seems unfinished I am likely working on it!


Samuel Reilly

Called Preacher,Father, Sam, Reilly

Gender Transman

Pronouns he/him/his

Age ~230 (march 3 2051)

Race Hispanic, ghoul

Role Wasteland Catholic priest, companion

Theme Heaven Says Hello

HTML Pinky


Sam is a prewar ghoul who was a Catholic priest before the bombs. He is friends with the courier six and often accompanies him on adventures. He isn’t very useful in a fight because of his peaceful nature but he knows how to use a shotgun and a pistol if he needs to. The courier sees Sam as a sort of paternal figure in his life.

Sam is very kind-hearted and refuses to let any bad thing that happens to him ruin his spirit. He is very well-read in normal literature as well as the bible. He can be timid in meeting new people but feels like he can be more outspoken if they need guidance or wish to learn from him. He is very artistic, there is always a sketchbook in his pocket and he loves to paint landscapes when he has access to painting materials. He also knows a great number of things about wildlife and plants because of his background in landscaping for his church before the bombs. He loves seeing people happy and is often incredibly selfless and willing to give people the clothes off his own back just to see them smile. This often leads him into trouble and causes him to be either put in danger or have barely any means of getting by. He is a very romantic person and enjoys seeing couples happy in love even though he considers himself to have been celibate his whole life. Because of how isolated he has always been he spends a lot of time in his own head and can sit and think about things for a very long time.


Height 5'10

Build Fat, heavy in stomach and chest (no top surgery)

Eyes grey

Skin Tone brown, ghoul texture

Hair Color dark brown, greying

Hair Style patchy remains of a short hairstyle, still has a little curl

Demeanor appears relaxed most of the time


  • long scar running right under his colorbone, and another on the ankle of his left leg
  • Still has a little facial hair and eyebrows
  • Received hrt sometime before the bombs but doesn't really have access to it anymore
  • likes to have flowers tucked into the brim of his hat, his rosary was a gift from the nun that raised him
  • a lot of his clothing was sewn by him, but the fabric wrapped around his waist and the shawl he wears are remains of fabric from the church he grew up in


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, wise, musical, Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, romantic, dreamer, optimist, selfless, faithful, spiritual, forgiving, gentle, devoted



Grew up in a catholic church and was raised with the Ideologies of the church. The bible and his beleif in god bring him great comfort. He enjoys teaching people about his beleifs but isn't very interested in coverting anyone. He just likes to pass on wisdom and have discussions.

Fine art

Sam loves to draw and paint. The nun who raised him taught him a lot about art and its beauty from a young age and he came to really keep that in his heart his whole life. She taught him how to draw and paint very early on in his life. He would read a lot of litterature about art and copy drawings out of books that he liked to practice. Sam is very good at drawing en plein air and later when he is traveling around america will set up a canvas and paint what he sees in front of him. He mostly does landscapes when painting since he doesn't really have anyone to pose for him that often. And when he is sketching he draws things from memory or things he sees (plants or animals usually).


He was also taught by the nun that raised him how to garden and take care of plants. He really loves flowers and keeps a book just to press flowers into. Sam is good at identifying plants and could proabably survive very well off of wild plants if he needed.


Sam has a very unnatural ability at getting the most unlikely animals to like him. Later in life once he has settled down he like keeps a couple animals around that he takes care of. He has a family of geckos that wander around his home and a night stalker he keeps as a dog. He also has a ghoul dog that he finds eventually.


The legion

It's kind of obvious why anyone who isnt evil would hate the legion. But Sam basically watched as they rose in power and started to ruin many peoples lives. Their presence in areas often caused Sam to have to flee out of fear. He also helped many escaped legion slaves and would listen to their stories of the awful things done to them.

The strip/Mr house

Sam cares about people very deeply so once he is introduced to the political landscape of New Vegas he becomes more outspoken about his opinions on the big players there. Sam thinks the nature of the casinos is very predatory, and dislikes the way people are treated in places like the gomorrah. He also dislikes mr House and thinks he doesn't treat people fairly. He is more neutral on the ncr just because he thinks they at least try in some way, even though he disagrees with a lot that they do. And he agrees with an independant new vegas and supports the courier in his decision to make vegas independant.


Sam doesnt dislike people who use drugs and alcohol but dislikes the addiction the substances cause. He tries to help people get clean if he can, but understands people that cant or don't want to and isnt judgemental.

ghoul haters

For a long time Sam was alone and didn't really see a lot of people, and didn't realize how poorly people treat ghouls. He doesn't like being called rotten or a corpse and always tells people he is very much alive just like anybody else. He has had problems with people being violent towards him in the past and remembers those times with a lot of sadness. he doesn't let people bad talk ghouls if he's around, and will defend them even if it puts him in danger.




Lovin' you

A young nun named Sister Lynn had found a baby girl crying on an Arizona church's doorstep. She took the baby in and decided her and the other nuns would raise him in the church. Sister Lynn took special care of the baby with no name and eventually taught the child all she could about the church, gardening, and fine arts. After 10 years spent together, Sister Lynn comes to realize that something had been troubling the child for a long time. No name tells Lynn she didn’t feel much like a girl. Sister Lynn wanted her charge to be happy, so she told no name that she could try out being a boy if she’d like and that she would help. So they cut her hair, dressed her up for the part, and chose a new name. That’s when Samual Reilly was born.

Blue skies

Sam was a quiet kid and grew up lonely, his only company being Sister Lynn. He never felt very close to anyone, though he enjoyed whatever interactions he could. He worked hard in his studies and eventually joined the clergy. Sister Lynn’s teaching had a big effect on him, and like her, he really enjoyed painting and gardening. He was around 26 when he was finally ordained. He did any minor work the church needed, like restoring paintings and maintaining the Garden with Lynn

Hello walls

It was a particularly slow day when the bombs dropped. Reilly had been in the basement when it happened and had his under a desk in fear while the earth shook around him. Eventually, the attack stopped and when he emerged from the desk he noticed that all the entrances to the basement had been caved in. He just waited for a while, but eventually, he tried to get out and realized something heavy must have blocked off the entrance. Sam was trapped in the basement for many years, all the while radiation slowly seeped in. It very slowly turned him into a ghoul, his transformation being very slow and painful. He thought he must just be slowly dying, and that a horrible illness had somehow gotten to him down there. Reilly was miserable and felt like he must be losing his mind. He may have gone feral if it weren’t for the many books he had access to down there. He would read and read until he would fall asleep, draw on the walls and write in journals. He slowly started to lose some part of his belief in god. Reilly was Trapped here for 40 years before he heard a loud storm settle in outside and a giant boom of thunder that shook the earth. He looked up and realized one of the entrances to the basement was swung open, and rain was pouring into the room. He ran outside and realized that the thunder had struck the heavy stack of wood on top of the doors and basically exploded them. He felt like it was a miracle, and at that moment promised he would never doubt god again.

I've Been Everywhere

Now that he was free he looked around the area for any traces of the people he used to know, but couldn’t find traces of anyone. He collected some of the remaining things he could find, like some old books, clothes, and a couple of things of religious significance. He moved on and decided to dedicate his life to wandering around and helping people wherever he could. For 90 years he wanders all around the west coast, and even the east coast. He learns quickly that a lot of people are very violent and want to kill him, so he decides to carry around a shotgun but only uses it as a way to scare people off. He decides to travel to Colorado eventually which had been a place he had always wanted to see. He spends about 40 years in a town near the grand canyon, mostly isolated but also helping around wherever he can. Once the legion starts to make a presence in Colorado Reilly flees after being attacked by a group of legionaries. He goes to Utah, spending 20 years here. After once again facing a group of legionaries, and also meeting a group of escaped slaves, he flees with the freed slaves to Nevada. He lives just out of the Mohave for a while, trying to stay clear of the different factions fighting for power. He garners a bit of a reputation as being someone to go to if you need help, and his small home soon turns into a sanctuary to any escaped slave that hears of him. He does this for 25 years. After slavers in the area begin to hear the rumor of a ghoul who helps slaves, his home is raided and Reilly is captured by a slave trader named Skinner. Skinner mainly deals with ghoul slaves and keeps Reilly as a slave for 5 years.

Flowers Never Bend with the Rainfall

Before Reilly had been taken, he had helped free a Skinner slave named Mary. She was a recently turned ghoul and he helped her get back on her feet, she then joined the followers of the apocalypse. Mary eventually heard through the grapevine that the ghoul that had helped her had been captured a few years back. Not wanting to return to Skinner, as she was still recovering from the hell she went through, she meets courier six and asks if he could look into it for her. The courier agrees and is connected to another escaped Skinner slave who had been freed more recently. He lets the courier know of the areas the slaver could be occupying and six goes out to find it. There had been a list of locations that he could check out, but eventually, six finds the group. Six is able to take out Skinner and his men and frees everyone that he can. Reilly had basically been Skinner's personal source of wisdom and religious knowledge and had been able to keep a lot of his books and belongings so that he could read to Skinner and pray for him. He was very grateful to Six for being freed and was a little shaken after being enslaved. Reilly tells the courier that his home had been destroyed and he has nowhere to go now, and the courier offers to take him along.

Heaven Says Hello

Sam travels with the courier for a while, he grows to like six and feels like he now actually has a friend for the second time in his life. Six listens to him and always is interested in his stories and wisdom. He starts to feel very paternal to Six and decides that he wants to take care of the courier as best as he can. Val slowly remembers his past, and Reilly tries his best to offer him guidance and comfort where he can. He had not been a slave as long as Val had, but he understand what it can do to your mind. He felt like he was better off than Val in this way and felt he had a god to comfort him when Val had nothing. In his usual storytelling he eventually tells Val about Sister Lynn from his past, Val asks Sam if she could still be alive, and asks him if they should try to find her. They track her down eventually after asking around and find that had once lived in a town nearby, but had been abducted by some fiends. They find her and kill the fiends, but soon realize she is greatly injured. Before she succumbs to her wounds she briefly is able to tell Reilly how she had missed him and always considered him to be the son she was never able to have. Reilly is filled with grief, being that the woman who was pretty much his mother was now truly dead. He thanks Six and thanks him for the opportunity to see her one last time. They bury her, and Sam confesses to six that now he is the only friend he has left. Six just laughs at him and tells him he is welcome to join their little family in the Lucky 38. Sam agrees and follows him back to the strip. There Sam meets everyone and comes to be friends with them. He really enjoys having so many people in his life now that he can consistently talk to and get to know. He tries to be someone who they can all rely on, and he finally feels like he has a home.



Sister Lynn

Maternal figure/mentor

Sister Lynn found Sam on the doorstep of her church when he was just a baby. She supported his transition and taught him everything he knows. She was always very affectionate to Sam, and treated him basically like her son. Inside she had always wanted to be a mother, but could never do it becuase she was sworn to celibacy. When she found Sam it made her so happy to be able to raise a baby. She was always very protective of him and wanted him to be safe and happy. She gave him the best upbringing she could. In their church she was in charge of restoring paintings and tending the flowers and gardens around the church. Because these were her duties she taught them to Sam so he could do them with her.She was very loving and was a lot more open minded than a lot of the other nuns. She always stuck to her gut feelings and did what she thought was right. After the bombs fell she was unable to find Sam becuase most of their church had collapsed so she assumed he had died. It broke her heart but she decided she could better help people if she left the place where she had once lived. She turned into a ghoul pretty soon after the bombs becuase of the radiation. Eventually she wandered far enough to Nevada and lived in a town. She worked on a small farm that she would grow things in and sell for very small amounts of money to people around town. After many many years fiends started coming into town and harassing people, and she was a target because of the food she was growing. They eventually abducted her as a way of taking food away from the town. They had her for a couple months before she tried to escape but was greaty wounded by one of the fiends. The wound started to get infected, and by the time Sam found her she was on the brink of death. She was overjoyed to see he had lived, and died happy knowing he was alive and well.


Val/ courier six

Like a son to him

Val and Reilly met after Val saved him from a slaver. They grew close pretty fast because Reilly recognized that Val was a good person, and they respected each other. Val isn't mean to ghouls, and listened closely whenever Reilly speaks. Val likes Reilly because he doesn't treat him like an idiot, and he is incredbily kind and patient with Val. Sam is very good natured and will sometimes scold Val if he thinks he's doing something mean, and will bail Val out of trouble if he can. They eventually became close enough that Reilly started talking about his past, and they both were happy to find out that they are both trans. Reilly also talks about Sister Lynn, leading to Val going with him to go find her. Val is there to comfort Reilly after her death, and they go back to the strip together. Sam doesn't really like the strip, he prefers to be in nature, but he enjoys staying with his friends and meeting new people in town. Reilly had never considered being a parent, but when he takes care of Val is makes him feel fufilled in a way he can only imagine a father feeling. He often calls Val 'son' and is willing to make sacrifices that any father would make.


Raul Tajada

Romantic interest

After Val introduces them, Sam feels intimidated a little when talking to Raul. He hadn't talked to another prewar ghoul for a long time. But he is glad to meet someone his own age. He slowly gets more comfortable with him, and he begins being able to joke around and spend time with the other ghoul. He enjoys Raul's sense of humor and his knowledge of the world before, and he puts up with Raul's jokes about his religious beliefs. Raul thinks Sam is kind of silly at first, for still being religious after everything that happened. But he soon comes to understand that it's what keeps Sam happy and away from the darkness that could easily take over someone who has lived through so much's mind. They come to understand each other more as they talk and become good friends. It kind of just strikes Reilly one day that he is attracted to Raul after everyone is hanging out together in the Lucky 38 and Raul leans in to whisper something in his ear. Val notices his reaction to it right away and later asks Sam if Raul had made him uncomfortable. Sam just kind of shoos him away and tells him not to worry about it. He finds that more things make him attracted to Raul, like his voice and his hands, and the way he works. Reilly had always considered himself celibate, at first by choice, and then later he stopped believing in the merits of it but still never pursued romance or love. He had never been with anyone before and didn’t understand the feelings he was having.

He tries to sit and think about what's going on in his mind for a while, but it eventually strikes him that it’s romantic attraction after he reads a romance novel and finds himself wishing it was him and Raul in the situations in the book. It scares him to realize that he’s gay, the religious guilt that comes with it bothers him since he never felt that any other gay person was wrong. It takes Sam a while to become brave enough to do anything, but he eventually starts giving Raul gifts in hopes that they would convey how he feels instead of straight-up telling him. He gives the other man pressed flowers, drawings, and poems and would ask him to hang out more often. Raul is more confused at all the attention, and mostly just thinks that Reilly is trying to be better friends with him. Val watches the two men closely and would notice how much attention Sam gives Raul, and he makes it his mission to get them together. Val often teases them and says things like his two grandpas are so in love whenever he sees them sitting together. It embarrassed Reilly but he didn't want to make Raul uncomfortable so he would just nod along and laughed it off. The teasing makes Raul start to realize that he does spend a lot of time with Sam and that he wouldn’t actually mind being with him. He assumes Sam is fully celibate because of his position in life as a priest, so he tries to ignore the blooming feelings. Sam only makes it harder on him when he spends too much time with him and is always giving him such heartfelt gifts. Eventually, Sam gives Raul a love poem, asking him to read it for him and tell him if he likes it or not. Raul is incredibly confused and isn’t sure if he’s imagining that the poem is about him or not. So he tries to casually bring it up with Val, who instantly catches onto the meaning and tells Raul it's definitely about him and that he should respond with his own romantic gesture. Raul has no idea what to do and tries to come up with something he thinks Sam will like. He goes to different shops around and tries to find a good gift, but he can’t decide on anything. He eventually just goes outside of town and finds some flowers, and writes a very poorly written poem for Rielly. He gives the gifts to him and Sam is blown away by how romantic the poem is, he asks Raul what it all means and Raul finally tells him how he feels.


Arcade Gannon

Good friend

Sam likes Arcade because he can talk to him about things for a long time. He enjoys sitting down with Arcade and discussing things like literature and philosophy. Arcade often berates Sam for his beleifs in god and will have discussions with him about it for hours on end. But Sam always just tells Arcade he isn't going to change his mind. He enjoys watching how much Arcade and Val love each other like a proud father would.



Good friend

They mutually like each other a lot!



good friend

He thinks Boone is a good person and admires the friendship he has with Val.



good friend

He likes talking to her and thinks she is a good person.