Touma Aragaki



5 years, 2 months ago



❛ People think I'm just an overgrown party boy who's lost control of his life. And, I mean, they're right, but you really shouldn't dismiss me so easily. It's amazing the difference a good stimulant can make! ❜

Touma Aragaki, wryly defending his continued existence in the Hero Billboard Chart.


  • Kanji Name
    新垣 登茉
  • Romaji Name
    Aragaki Tōma
  • Hero Name
    Meteor Hero: Deep Impact
  • Birthday
    February 12.
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Birthplace
    Koshi, Kumamoto Prefecture
  • Current Residence
    Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture
  • Height
    6'4" — 193cm
  • Hair Color
    Dishwater blonde
  • Eye Color
    Reddish brown
  • Blood Type
  • Status
  • Family
    Yoko Aragaki [grandmother]

    Naofumi Aragaki [father]
    Ichika Katahada [mother]
    Riria Aragaki [sister]
    Sorata Aragaki [brother]
  • Occupation
    Pro Hero
  • Affiliation
    Double Impact Hero Agency
  • Specialties
    Villain Apprehension
    Ranged Combat

Touma Aragaki (新垣 登茉・あらがき とうま・Aragaki Tōma), also known as the Meteor Hero: Deep Impact (流星ヒーロー: ディープ・インパクト) is a Pro Hero ranked #16 on the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart. He is a co-founder of the Double Impact Hero Agency alongside his fellow Pro Hero Field Marshal.

Touma is the eldest son of Fukuoka-based businessman Naofumi Aragaki, and his banking magnate wife Ichika Katahada, though he has been willingly estranged from his parents and siblings since he left home at eighteen. He stumbled into the Hero industry after working several low-level service jobs in his early twenties, and in the two decades since he has gained a reputation for working hard and partying harder.


Standing at 6’4” and weighing in the vicinity of 260lb, Touma is not a small man, and yet he still manages to project a presence that is larger than life. He is broad-shouldered and solid of build, covered in functional muscle and not at all shy about showing it off. His skin is sun-darkened with a strong gold undertone and a collection of visible scars, and his eyes are dark red under low brows, ringed with laugh lines. His hair is dishwater blonde and greying somewhat at the temples; he wears it close-cropped on the sides and a couple inches long on top, styled carefully with lots of expensive mousse. He keeps a long rat-tail braid at the nape of his neck, which reaches his waist after nearly ten years of growth. He is often seen with carefully-maintained three-day stubble, which he thinks makes him look dashingly rogueish.


Touma’s fashion sense is eclectic and often brightly-coloured. He likes sportswear ━ basketball shorts, team jackets and stretchy exercise tees and tank tops make up large parts of his wardrobe ━ and grunge fashion, especially ripped jeans and industrial boots. His wardrobe is heavy on white, orange, yellow and red, with the occasional black piece for style, and lots of bold prints and graphics. He will go shirtless as often as the weather and/or standards of dress will allow; he favours zip-up jackets for this reason.

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energetic and restlesscharismaticrecklessaddictive personalitylives in the momentbawdy sense of humorowns his faultsperforms for a crowd

Temperament: Sanguine
Enneagram: Type 7 ━ 'the Enthusiast'
MBTI: ESFP ━ 'the Entertainer'


      ━ black coffee & strong energy drinks
      ━ warm weather, summer thunderstorms
      ━ physical exertion in any form, but especially dance and combat
      ━ debate, mock arguments & banter
      ━ sportswear & team jackets
      ━ cheap greasy takeaway food


      ━ snow and rain
      ━ long-form media, particularly written
      ━ therapists & other psychology professionals
      ━ bland food, subtle flavours
      ━ bar tabs
      ━ romance plots in media


      ━ whittling small pieces of wood
      ━ getting absolutely maggoted on expensive liquor

❛ I asked Kin for permission to fistfight the HPSC rep in the parking lot. She said no, but I think that's mainly because we don't have a parking lot. ❜

Touma expressing his distaste for the Hero Public Safety Commission.

Touma, at first glance, creates a mixed impression. Many people perceive him as a charming, charismatic, genuine individual, with a pleasant, extroverted demeanor and an ability to relax even within stressful situations. Others find him careless, reckless, deliberately classless and discomfitingly intense. The reality is somewhere between both extremes.

He is a very well-known Hero, even considering his high rank on the Hero Billboard Chart, and his reputation precedes him as a result. On the one hand, his Hero work speaks for itself: consistently ranked within the top 20, with a spectacularly powerful Quirk and thousands of victories under his belt. On the other, his issues with alcohol are widely known, and his party drug use suspected by many. As long as he continues to produce successes within his Hero work, the public has proven willing to overlook his frequent all-night bar crawls and house parties of dubious repute, but he has weathered several scandals in the past. His Hero partner, Kin, has talked him into going to rehab for his alcohol abuse twice. Neither stay has had a lasting effect on Touma, because the root of his issues has never quite been exposed.

Touma had a difficult relationship with his parents as a child: his mother and father were both high-achieving 'geniuses' from wealthy families with high hopes━and expectations━for their children. As a young child, Touma learned to speak, walk, read and write in both Japanese and English well before many of his same-age peers, giving his delighted parents the impression that their firstborn would be as intelligent and capable as they had been themselves. Unfortunately, these early successes were deceptive. Touma was an obviously gifted child, but as he grew older his ability to focus and apply himself to academic learning withered, and he struggled to live up to his parents' expectations. Somewhere during his middle school years, he began to rebel against them by deliberately choosing to fail. Thus began a pattern of self-sabotage that has persisted long after his parents removed themselves from his life.


His thought processes are often chaotic and scattered; he leaps intuitively from evidence to conclusions without much logic. His conclusions have mixed success as a result. Sometimes he makes exactly the right decision and when asked afterward how he knew what to do, can only shrug in response. Sometimes he takes a leap of faith that does not pay off, and sometimes he lands himself in deep shit because of it. He relies on trial and error to learn, which serves him well in some areas and absolutely not in others. He can be strikingly intuitive on the other hand; his sensory and environmental awareness is extremely strong and his sense of empathy likewise. When it comes to human interaction, Touma is in his element.

As a child, he cared deeply about others' opinions of him, and would be deeply affected by disapproval. As an adult, Touma has protected himself from disapproval by pre-emptively embracing it. He often refers to himself in self-deprecating terms, makes jokes about his own faults and vices, and seldom stops to actually consider critique before laughingly agreeing with it and moving on with his life. Despite this (or perhaps because of it), he is extremely resilient in the face of failure; he will get up and try again, and perhaps make a joke while he does so. He has a lot of casual acquaintances, many of whom admire his projected confidence, but very few friends, all of whom are capable of seeing past the artifice to the man beneath.

At his core, Touma is a very lonely man. His tactic of deliberate failure resulted in his parents eventually giving up on him to focus on his younger siblings, depriving their oldest of much of the love and familial intimacy that he really needed to develop a secure personality. Touma has always sought human contact and closeness, and as a younger man was willing to overlook a lot for the sake of feeling wanted. He got into several toxic and abusive relationships in his twenties and early thirties, and stayed in those relationships for far too long because he had been primed to believe that being treated badly was a natural result of his partners having to deal with his issues. After the last and most destructive of these relationships, he swore off romantic relationships entirely, and began looking for human warmth in frequent casual hookups instead. He has acquired a reputation for being promiscuous as a result.

He has an unconscious tendency to believe that everything that happens in the world is meaningful and catalyzed in some way by something else. This often manifests in a belief in the Just World fallacy━that if bad things happen to a person, it was the ultimate result of that person's actions or moral failings. Given his awareness of his own faults, this instinctively explains to him why so much of his life has been thoroughly unenjoyable. He can't articulate why he believes this, beyond that it 'feels right' to him. When he is presented with evidence to the contrary━that sometimes bad things just happen to people through no fault of their own━he reacts by freaking out completely: firstly, because it proves that he's believed so strongly in something that is just plain wrong, and secondly, because if the Just World fallacy is not true, then maybe he never did anything to deserve the bad things that have happened to him.

Emotionally, Touma is strongly influenced by his external environment. On his own, in his own spaces, he can be remarkably stable and even-tempered, but in spaces outside of his control he can switch rapidly between extremes. While he is a natural performer, making jokes and putting on a show for those who interact with him is his way of trying to control the uncontrollable environment and to turn his emotional mirroring into a positive experience instead. If his audience is laughing and smiling, Touma will also be laughing and smiling.

Touma is a quick, witty orator. He thinks quickly, is a fluent and confident speaker, and is very good at reading the mood of the room and adapting his performance to suit. One on one, he can be a charming if somewhat intense conversationalist, as long as he is interested in either the topic of discussion or the person he is conversing with. If not, he will find excuses to leave, and sometimes is not particularly careful about the excuses he uses. He enjoys learning new languages and cultural practices, and loves to immerse himself in new environments and meet new people.

He doesn't handle boredom well. If he doesn't have enough to occupy his mind at the intensity level he needs to feel invested, he will quickly get restless, and if this goes on for too long he will become somewhat destructive, breaking things just for the challenge of trying to put them back together again. A large part of his issues with addiction have resulted from him trying to slow his brain down, so to speak. So far, the only successful methods he has discovered are whittling, certain illicit substances, and the adrenaline rush of danger.


⸻Customer Service Poker Face
Touma worked a few minimum-wage cashier and serving jobs out of high school, in order to pay the bills. Most of his customers were perfectly fine; a handful were spectacularly terrible. Dealing with the assholes required the patience of a saint and the ability to not let any of his true feelings show through. Touma can shrug off tirades and verbal abuse with a smile and a corporate-approved script. This ability occasionally comes in handy with villains ━ which Touma finds incredibly funny.

⸻Artistic Talent
Touma's favourite classes in high school were the art electives, particularly figure drawing and sculpture. Of course, his parents disapproved, seeing it as a useless skill despite the praise of his teachers. Touma stubbornly clung to the hobby, and even after leaving his family he dabbled in artistic pastimes, doodling things on the back of receipts on slow days at work and picking up fallen twigs in the park to work at. Aside from his high-school classes, he is a self-taught artist; art is something he does to rest his brain and wind down from the stresses and anxieties of daily life. His PR agent occasionally posts his sketches online.


We haven't had another one of those threat letters lately, yeah? Apparently someone's gone after my dear ol' dad again.

━ to his Agency admin

You know what? I'm beginning to think fucking everyone is right; there is something deeply wrong with me.

━ to Kin, staring down the neck of another empty bottle

If you take any sort of advice from me, the king of fucking up, let it be this: you won't find fulfilment in chasing after someone else's shadow, but the opposite isn't particularly helpful either.

━ to Katsumi, helping her find her own feet in the business

QUIRK: Meteorite


  • Name
    隕石 [ inseki ]
  • Rating
    B » Quirks with a notable effect on the body and negligible effect on the environment or vice versa.
  • Classification
    » Energy & Forces
    » Acceleration
  • Active Range
    Mid to long-range
Touma can accelerate the downward trajectory of airborne objects to speeds well past their terminal velocity, which upon making impact releases the energy in a meteorite-like burst.

》》》Meteorite comes from Touma's mother's line, which has a lot of what he describes as 'budget telekinesis': people with restricted, often highly specific abilities to move objects with their minds. His mother did not have one of these Quirks, but his maternal uncle and grandfather did, as do a few cousins. Touma's is by far the most powerful of the lot.

It first manifested when he was five years old. He was watching a group of older kids paying softball at school, and mimicking the pitchers by throwing clods of dirt and pebbles around. He soon found that he could throw things much harder and faster than he could before, and noticed a strange tingling in his hands. Touma realised that this must be his Quirk, and promptly ran yelling for his teacher.

Meteorite works by 'locking on' to a projectile, then applying acceleration (which Touma describes as 'zoom'). Successful 'zooming' gives Touma a prickling tactile sensation beneath his skin which fades rapidly when the projectile makes impact. The larger the projectile, the more intense the prickling and the harder it is to 'zoom'. Touma finds it easier to lock onto a projectile by holding it in his hands, but he is capable of locking onto a distant or already moving target by looking at it.

Overuse of his Quirk results in persistent dizziness and severe musculoskeletal aching in his arms, either of which can be enough to put him out of action for a long time. Touma has gradually raised his tolerance over the course of his career, but an action-packed night can still push him to his limits.


  • Even a small projectile can do a lot of damage traveling at speeds of several kilometres per second.
  • While Touma is capable of accelerating objects to up to 5km/s, he can limit his acceleration to much lower speeds and still make a big bang.
  • He can use any sort of material as a projectile in a pinch, although higher speeds require much tougher, denser objects.


  • Weaker or less dense projectiles tend to vaporise or break apart at high speeds, requiring Touma to look around for suitable ammo if he doesn't come prepared. Concrete and metal work best; plastic and wood do not work at all.
  • Once accelerated, Touma cannot change the direction of his projectiles, aside from deepening or flattening the projectile path on its way to the ground. He also cannot use his Quirk to get objects into the air, and must throw them himself or lock onto objects already in flight.
  • If he is not very careful about the projectiles he uses and the speeds they travel at, Touma can cause a great deal of collateral damage using his Quirk. His agency has to pay a lot to the Public Infrastructure Repair Fund as a result.


Touma's Quirk gives him an obvious specialty in long-range combat━with the aid of a pair of good binoculars, he can fire his projectiles from more than a dozen kilometres away and still have a good chance of hitting his target. He is a little less accurate than a standard sniper rifle from distances of a kilometre or more, but he also doesn't need to be highly accurate given the splash damage his projectiles can have. The absolute extent of his range varies based on topography and equipment, but it may be upwards of 20km.

Touma is no slouch in combat up close, either. Hand to hand combat puts him at a disadvantage, making it difficult to use his Quirk. He took up MMA training as a young Hero and over time has become a canny, savage fighter. He uses whatever weapons he has to hand, and, when cornered, counterattacks with a ferocity that can be offputting on its own. He's fond of joint locks and finger breaks, and kicking when the enemy is down to make sure they stay down.


⸻Enhanced Spatial Sense
Touma has an instinctive sense of distance, angles, and the forces acting on a given thing in motion, including himself. This makes him extremely agile and sure-footed, able to keep his balance in awkward positions and throw himself around a cityscape like a madman.

⸻Enhanced Hand-Eye Coordination
Touma has very fine, well-controlled hand-eye coordination, allowing him to throw his projectiles with impressive accuracy and do a bunch of other things demanding fine dexterity as well. He can reliably hit a target at distances upward of 500m, and only needs to be able to see what he's aiming at to get very close to targets even further away.


Touma fires his specially-made burst missiles, causing a momentary fireball and a sonic boom. This attack does not make physical contact, but it can cause shockwaves, and the bright light and boom can severely disorient an opponent.

⸻Shooting Star
Touma takes his rubber bullets and throws them at the enemy, accelerating them to around 1500m/s, or a little faster than an actual bullet. He uses these as a non-lethal option against low-threat or low-power opponents; they can cause lacerations and broken bones but are generally not life-threatening.

⸻Meteorite Strike
A much stronger attack, utilising Touma's larger rubber bullets at speeds around 2.5km/s. At this speed the rubber starts burning away due to air pressure and friction, and the impact of the projectile can tear right through a body if not very well-defended. Touma primarily uses this for environment control; it's good for causing structural damage.

⸻Extinction Strike
Touma's finishing move for an opponent too large or well-defended to be damaged by his smaller-scale attacks. He aims his largest, densest projectiles directly at the opponent, and accelerates them to 4km/s. This causes a blinding streak of light, a burst of radiant heat and an almighty sonic boom, and the kinetic energy released upon impact is enough to put a 10m-diameter crater in the ground. Only a small portion of the projectile makes it to impact; friction vaporizes most of it on the way.

5/5 A
4/5 B
4/5 B
3/5 C
3/5 C
5/5 A


⸻Hero Costume
Touma wears a bright orange crop jacket unzipped over his bare chest and a pair of ugly orange and maroon three-quarter cargo pants, because he can. These are minimally armored and mostly serve the purpose of being obnoxiously bright. He also wears a pair of bulky black steel-toed boots which are good for kicking and stomping, and a pair of short gloves with specially reinforced palms and fingers to reduce the friction on his hands and allow him to snatch and deploy projectiles on the run.

⸻Rubber Bullets
Projectiles made of rubber that allow Touma to use his Quirk on a non-lethal basis against living targets. Touma's 'rubber bullets' are not actually shaped like a bullet because he doesn't need to fire them from a gun. They vary in size, from small pellets that are intended mainly just to sting, to much larger balls that are intended to impress upon a target that they really need to stay down.

⸻Burst Missiles
Projectiles made to burst apart and burn up when accelerated past a certain point, causing a loud bang and a momentary bright fireball but minimal damage to an opponent or the environment. Touma uses them as warning shots.

⸻Noise-Canceling Headphones
Touma's missiles break the sound barrier the moment they leave his hands, requiring him to have some heavy-duty hearing protection.


Early Career

  • vs. Kenji Sesshou / Landslide: Win
League of Villains
  • vs. Dabi: Interrupted
  • Deep Impact & Balance vs. Moonfish: Interrupted
Kamino Ward Incident
  • vs. multiple Nomu: Win



➥ Touma's given name is written with kanji which mean respectively 'to ascend' (登 tou) and 'jasmine' (茉 ma).

  • His family name is spelled with kanji meaning 'new' (新 ara, more often read as shin) and 'hedge' (垣 kaki). He has considered changing it in the past, due to his estrangement from his family, but thus far has never gotten around to it.

➥ Touma speaks three languages fluently: Japanese, English, and Korean.

  • As a child, he was made to study a fourth, French, but while he put up with the English and Korean lessons he hated his French tutor and deliberately failed all his exams, forcing his parents to let him drop the class.
  • He has also acquired more-or-less conversational fluency in Shanghainese thanks to his frequent visits to the city. His friends rib him over his horrible accent.

➥ He has a black housecat named Mariah, who has a distressing tendency to leave hairballs on his bed.

➥ Touma's handwriting is messy and (especially in English) full of spelling mistakes, some of which are somewhat deliberate in the style of internet shitposts. He writes like he doesn't care, which for the most art is true. Feel bad for whoever has to process his reports.

➥ Touma is bisexual, with a slight preference for women. His relationships so far have been mostly with women, given the rather larger potential dating pool.

  • He finds long hair attractive on both genders, and loves playing with his partners' hair if they will let him.
  • He also has a tendency to find the exact worst people for him attractive. He jokes that it's just a matter of time before his bad taste ends up with him sleeping with an actual villain.

➥ He enjoys watching movies, and can be found at the local cinema most weekends, looking for something to watch. However he tends not to watch TV shows unless he can binge them all at once, because otherwise he is unlikely to retain the sort of focus he needs to keep up with the show.

➥ He is a night owl who regularly stays up until 3AM or later, has difficulty sleeping before 1:30AM or so, and is a zombie before 10AM or a pot of black coffee, whichever one comes first. He ends up working night shifts a lot because Kin is a morning person who passes out around 11PM.

➥ He developed a mild pineapple allergy in his twenties, which really came as a disappointment because prior to that he had rather liked pineapple.



























    〔 grandmother

The Aragaki children were often left with their paternal grandmother when their parents were busy. Yoko Aragaki was every bit as strict and proud as her son, but unlike him she had a more realistic view of the children's capabilities and individual personalities. Touma often sought shelter with her during particularly fraught periods at home, sleeping on her couch or in her garden rather than returning to his father's cold disappointment. Yoko attempted to teach him self-reliance and discipline, with mixed success; Touma legitimately tried, but the skills seemed to elude him in a way they did not for his siblings. Yoko realised in time that this was not an issue of personality or willpower, but was unable to convince her son to work with Touma's individual strengths rather than against them. When Touma left his family at eighteen, she took him in for eight months before he found a job and an apartment of his own. When she died, she left the majority of her estate to Touma, which further drove a wedge between him and his father.


    〔 estranged father

Touma's relationship with his father has always been strained. Naofumi subscribed to a traditional view of fatherhood in which he provided resources for his family and enforced discipline and respect, but had little else to do with childrearing until his sons and daughter were of age to fulfil the role he expected of them. Touma, as the eldest son, had originally been intended to follow Naofumi into the family business. From the age of nine to sixteen, father and son were locked in an epic battle of wills over Touma's future, with Naofumi determined to shape the son he viewed as a lazy, undisciplined genius into a capable businessman, and Touma being equally determined that the family business would never be his calling. He regularly drove Naofumi into a fury by skipping classes and tutoring sessions, forgetting homework, breaking out of the family home at night to roam the city with his friends, and many more deliberate and accidental transgressions. After seven long years Naofumi finally gave up, shifting his attentions to Touma's younger sister and refusing to acknowledge his son as a full member of the household. Touma put up with this treatment until the day he turned eighteen, upon which he moved out of the family home and refused to speak to his father at all for the next ten years.

He has met his father on a very irregular basis since his twenties. Once Touma made a name for himself in the Hero circuit, Naofumi reached out to reconcile with his son. Touma was willing to agree to an initial meeting, but ten years had not softened Naofumi's demeanor and pride at all, and the meeting was not a success. Since then, they have spoken perhaps five times, all within the context of formal and family events. For the most part, Touma refuses to acknowledge his father at all.


    〔 mother

Touma's mother is far from the motherly sort. Ichika, the sole heiress of an extremely wealthy family, gave birth to three children and immediately handed much of their care to a succession of au pairs and governesses. Touma's fondest memories of her are of the handful of times he was able to present to her a perfect exam score. Ichika was affectionate, generous, and genuine when pleased, and ice-cold in disappointment. As Touma grew older, her general attitute toward him was increasingly one of disappointment.

Unlike her husband, Ichika's high expectations stemmed from an inability to recognise that her children, despite sharing her genetic material, could not be fairly expected to match her own capabilities. Ichika had been an incredibly gifted child who excelled at most things she tried. Of her three children, Touma possessed a similar natural gift, but his seeming inability to use his full intelligence confused and frustrated Ichika. As his stubborn independence developed, she concluded that he was intentionally sabotaging himself, for no purpose that she could understand. During his teenage years, she gave up on trying to help him. She did not shun him the way his father had, but she also did not try to defend him. When Touma left home, she sent him two hundred thousand US dollars in a bank account, of which he could only withdraw a thousand dollars each week, then told him she couldn't do anything else for him. Touma, incensed, cut her off alongside his father, and refused to touch the money in the account at all.

As an adult, his relationship with his mother is distant and full of regrets. Ichika provided the initial financial investment that allowed Touma and Kin to set up their Hero Agency, but on the condition that they would not allow the transaction to be publicly declared, as she had gone behind her husband's back to provide the money. She regularly sends him smaller amounts of cash, which Touma is well aware is guilt money. He sends her birthday gifts and Mothers' Day cards, and occasionally works up the courage to visit her when he knows his father isn't home.


    〔 estranged sister

There are two years between Touma and Riria, enough of an age gap to make things complicated. Riria was also a gifted child who regularly excelled in school, but unlike Touma she escaped their parents' intense expectations for two reasons: she was not quite as naturally gifted, and (in the case of their father) she was a girl. Riria became jealous and competitive as a result, boasting often about her better grades and report cards, trying to convince Naofumi that she was the better choice of successor. Touma figured out her angle sometime in his teenage years, repeating her arguments to Naofumi. Incensed, Naofumi punished Touma for trying to use his sister as a shield to avoid his responsibilities, and punished Riria even more severely for trying to usurp her brother's position. Touma, caught between a rock and a hard place, began to simply avoid his sister entirely. Riria, reeling from what was for her a rare punishment, blamed him for it, and he did not argue; he was not entirely sure she was wrong.

Eventually, Naofumi gave up on Touma, choosing to train Riria as his successor instead. Riria followed her father's lead in freezing Touma out, and their relationship has never recovered. Riria barely acknowledges his existence in public, and Touma follows her lead. When he was younger, he had hoped that she would change her mind one day and they could rebuild their relationship away from their father's influence, but over time his attitude hardened. She has made her choice, and so has he in turn.


    〔 younger brother

Twelve years younger than Touma, Sorata escaped the conflict of his older siblings. They had a close relationship for the first five years of Sorata's life, with Touma often helping the au pairs and entertaining his little brother after classes and while their parents entertained guests. After Touma left home, his father forbade him from seeing his siblings, and so he was never given the chance to explain to Sorata why he had to leave. They did not see each other for the next twelve years, until Sorata skipped a day of classes in his last year of high school and went to Touma's Hero Agency several cities away, looking for an answer. The ensuing conversation was awkward and heated, but Sorata left satisfied. He visited several times again that year, then chose to attend a university in the same city. Over time, they gradually became closer again.

Touma hadn't intended to turn Sorata against their father, but in telling his story he had not left much out. Sorata had never felt particularly close to Naofumi, and afterward he became increasingly distrustful toward the man. He chose to study and work in a different field to avoid having to join the family business, and is often not shy about sharing his resentment. Touma worries that he has ruined his brother's relationship with their father as well as his own.



▮▮▮ KIN TSUKASA ⸻ ❛ Field Marshal ❜

    〔 partner

The cofounder of his Hero Agency and an old friend, Kin is Touma's near-polar opposite. They first met while she was still a high school Hero student, working an internship with a well-respected Agency. The Agency's operation against a small cabal of villains went badly, and Touma (still an unaffiliated Hero at the time) was the only Hero close enough to help when the SOS went out. Working together, Touma and Kin took down the villains and rescued her Hero employer, earning Kin accolades from the press and Touma grudging respect from the establishment. After Kin graduated, they worked together on several more occasions, finding that their personalities are well-matched despite their differences and their Quirks are very complimentary. Despite being nine years younger, Kin's self-assured confidence and emotional maturity outweighs Touma's and he knows it. Kin has never held his comparative immaturity against him; she'll tease him and hold him to his promises but she knows more than anyone else what he's been through and she has a deep well of patience where he is concerned. He often goes to her when he needs advice, trusting her with his secrets and fears over anyone else. Her disapproval, when it comes, strikes him deeply, and he does his best to live up to the few expectations she does set.

They work near seamlessly in battle together. Their Quirks intersect in a very useful way; Kin's is balancing forces, while Touma's is acceleration, and they work in a very similar way, allowing both Touma and Kin to interact with the same objects at the same time. Kin's specialty is in close combat, while Touma's is in ranged combat. Kin generally plans operations before they begin, while Touma is very good at in-the-moment tactics and adapting the plan on the fly. They communicate constantly during battle, where it's at all possible, and after seventeen years of teamwork they are very good at anticipating each other's choices without needing to be told.


▮▮▮ SHOUTA AIZAWA ⸻ ❛ Eraserhead ❜

    〔 developing love interest...

Opposites attract, despite all reasonable expectations. They meet via a drunken one-night stand, which Aizawa initially considers a very bad decision, knowing of Touma's reputation for promiscuity. Touma is struck by Aizawa's blunt honesty, but due to the circumstances they did not exchange names and Touma spent three fruitless months afterward trying to track him down. Then, by chance, they end up working together to bring down a villain at the tail end of a long night shift. Touma immediately recognizes Aizawa's voice. He finds several excuses to work in the same area thereafter, resulting in several more not-quite-chance encounters. Aizawa is initially not enthused about this, but finds over time that Touma is capable of much more than his obnoxious show persona would indicate. Their relationship takes on a physical dimension without a corresponding jump in emotional intimacy, because neither man is particularly keen on talking about it and they're both carrying around personal baggage that makes doing so feel like a dangerous risk to take. Touma finds out about Aizawa's tendency to try and work through injuries, and begins carrying around extra first aid supplies, becoming something of a mother hen. This irritates Aizawa at first, but over time he realises that it has come from legitimate concern and begins to submit to Touma's surprisingly knowledgeable ministrations.

Neither is currently quite sure what is going to happen between them. Aizawa knows he doesn't have the patience for anything but a long-term commitment and is reluctant to stay friends-with-benefits without that commitment, knowing Touma's reputation. Touma is afraid of committing too soon, as he had done in the past, and getting himself stuck in a toxic relationship with too many costs sunk to easily escape. The physical intimacy continues, but they're going to have to sit down and have a serious conversation sooner or later.

❛ I think I've figured out the reason why we get along well even though our personalities are about as opposite as it's possible to get. I'm a cat person, and you're basically a human cat. ❜

Touma to Shouta, sharing his dubious wisdom.



▮▮▮ KAZUMA KABETANI ⸻ ❛ Barrier Baron ❜

    〔 friend

Touma, like most older Heroes, has worked with Barrier Baron several times. He respects the old man's gruff straightforwardness and ability to cut straight through corporate bullshit and analyze situations. Personally, he gets along well with Kazuma, primarily because he trusts Kazuma's judgement even when he's the subject of Kazuma's judgement. Kazuma has a reputation for taking in and successfully training those who others have dismissed as failures; Touma's pride won't let him come out and ask for this sort of tutelage, but when he knows he's in need of guidance he will hang out with Kazuma for a while and watch closely to see what advice he can pick up without having to ask for it. Kazuma knows that he does this, and is not above taking advantage of Touma's presence to boost his Agency's firepower. Touma knows that Kazuma knows, and he's not quite sure what to think of it, but Kazuma's presence makes him feel grounded, for once in his life, so there's a lot of dented pride he'll put up with in exchange.



    〔 friend

Characteristically for both men, Touma and Renshou met at a seedy nightclub, twenty-three years ago. Renshou was a grad student playing bass in a small-time band as a hobby despite his parents' wealth, and Touma was working a stressful cashier job at the time. Late at night, after the band finished playing, Renshou was recognised and accosted by several petty villains who attempted to mug and extort him. Touma fought them all off, quipping 'stress relief' when asked why he stepped by the police in the aftermath. Grateful for the save, Renshou gave Touma his number, telling him that if he ever needed a hand, Renshou would do what he could do help. Touma called the number the next day, when he walked into his job with a badly-disguised black eye and was promptly fired. Renshou hired Touma as an unofficial bodyguard several times, then suggested that Touma should get his Hero license and look into work beyond the budget personal protection circles. They have been good friends ever since, sharing a love for loud parties, mind-altering substances, good music and watching the world go by.



    〔 family friend

Renshou introduced Touma to his mother, Kiyomi Tomoshibi, shortly after the initial mugging incident. Kiyomi made Touma's legal issues go away with a phonecall, invited him to a Shinozaki family dinner, and proceeded to scare the shit out of him. Kiyomi remains the only person Touma makes an effort to be formal and respectful around, a fact which Renshou will probably never stop ribbing him over.


▮▮▮ HAZUKI SHINOZAKI ⸻ ❛ Heatwave ❜

    〔 honorary niece

Touma has known Renshou's daughter since she was a baby; he was one of the first people to meet her outside of her family. Hazuki has grown up with Uncle Touma being a regular fixture in the household; she idolised him as a kid, which gave Touma a real good reason to get a handle on his partying ways. (It wasn't entirely successful, but he's managed to keep his messier habits to himself, so that's progress). Touma is the main reason Hazuki decided to pursue Hero work; she'd been thoroughly put off by her great-grandfather's expectations around the subject, but found Touma's relaxed, no-pressure attitude a relief. He taught her some tips and tricks and self-defence skills just in case, telling her that they might come in useful even if she decided to do something else with her life. Hazuki had a lot of fun with his lessons, and decided to apply for high school Hero Courses ━ not for the glory of the Shinozaki family, as the patriarch expected, but so she could help people, like Uncle Touma.

Touma thinks of Hazuki as sort of like a little sister. He is protective of her, but to a sensible point; his philosophy has always been that children need to be allowed to take risks and make their own mistakes, because he's pretty sure he might have been less messed-up if his parents had let him do that. He offered Hazuki her first internships, and then recommended her to Barrier Baron when her Quirk began to cause problems. With Kin's help, he has been a surprisingly stable and practical mentor for her.

▮▮▮ TATSUNARI TAKANOWAKA ⸻ ❛ Dragonforce ❜

    〔 biggest critic

Early in his freelance Hero career, Touma had a run-in with Dragonforce that left him freaked-out and very wary of the man. Tatsunari was the No.3 Hero at the time, gunning for Endeavor's spot, and he displayed such vicious brutality against a villain Touma did not think required it that it made Touma take a good hard look at his own villain interactions. Shortly afterward, Tatsunari's own son became known as a minor villain, which spelled the end of Dragonforce's career in the field. Tatsunari pivoted into an industry commentator role, where he became known for his conservative, tough-on-crime attitude ━ and became one of Touma's most frequent detractors. Touma reacted to this attention in typical style: by going out of his way to provoke disapproval. He keeps his personal dislike of the man secret, because Tatsunari's influence with the Hero Public Safety Commission is considerable, and puts on a show of friendly respect when they interact directly, then completely disregards Tatsunari's input afterward.


▮▮▮ TOSHINORI YAGI ⸻ ❛ All Might ❜

    〔 frequent acquaintance

Touma was thirteen when All Might made his debut; and like much of the nation, he was instantly fascinated. As he grew older and more cynical, his view of All Might shifted to one of skepticism and doubt ━ surely a man like that couldn't actually exist? Touma entertained a number of half-considered conspiracy theories about All Might's origins, but in general had more important things to be thinking about. Then, one night as a newbie Hero on patrol, Touma stumbled into a fight against a pair of villains that nearly killed him... and All Might dropped out of the dark sky like a ton of bricks, defeating both villains and giving Touma first aid that probably did save his life. Touma woke up in hospital the next day with a much more positive view of the man.

Over the years since, they have worked together on a handful of cases. Touma enjoys being around All Might and respects his drive to protect and help people, but he still can't shake the persistent feeling that something about the man is not quite right. By the time of the Kamino Ward disaster, he'd ruled out most of the usual deceptions. The revelation that All Might was badly injured and fighting on borrowed time answered that question, but also plunged Touma into his own personal crisis: if the world is just and bad things happen to people who deserve it, then how did All Might deserve that? This conundrum, and the events that followed the fall of the Symbol of Peace, are what finally drove Touma to seek out therapy.


▮▮▮ ENJI TODOROKI ⸻ ❛ Endeavor ❜

    〔 friendly acquaintance

Touma likes to think of Enji as a friend. Enji thinks of him primarily as an annoyance. Touma is aware of this to an extent, but he happily works alongside Enji and will go out of his way to greet him in casual social situations because he likes Enji’s manner and doesn’t really care if he ends up being insulted because he knows Enji does that to everyone. Touma developed a lasting crush on Enji almost ten years ago, which certainly plays a role in why he so easily tolerates Enji’s less than friendly behaviour. He has never acted on this crush, due to both the existence of Enji’s wife and children, and the growing realisation that he has a consistent tendency to develop crushes on people who are not at all good for him. (He is also very certain that Enji is straight, so there’s that too.) Enji is blissfully unaware of his crush, and Touma intends to keep it that way.



▮▮▮ KATSUMI NAGATO ⸻ ❛ Violet Morpho ❜

    〔 Hero student

Touma first hears of Katsumi through Aizawa's tired venting on slow night patrols. He had worked with Katsumi's mother on a few occasions, and immediately recognises the similarities between them. He cynically predicts the breakdown of Katsumi's first internship long before it happens, telling Aizawa that if it ever became necessary, he would be happy to put in a good word for her with his partner at the Double Impact Agency. Aizawa initially tells him to forget it, but revisits the idea later on. Katsumi joins the Agency as Touma's intern, and thus begins a lasting mentorship.

They get along very well from their first meeting, thanks to similarly energetic personalities and Touma's laid-back inability to take offense. Touma quickly realises that Katsumi is deeply insecure of her ability to live up to her mother's legacy, and notices not long after that many of Katsumi's self-identified faults are traits that Kaori had also had, magnified many times by Katsumi's impulsivity and emotional intensity. He takes it upon himself to bring her high expectations of herself back to earth, and succeeds, primarily by being blunt and honest and not taking anything too seriously. Katsumi eventually finds that his lack of expectations in turn allows her to stop holding herself to impossible standards, at first within the context of her internship and then outside of it as well.




    〔 ex-fiance

The most recent of Touma's doomed relationships, and the breakup which prompted him to swear off romance entirely. Yami was a friend and sometimes coworker of Touma's during his private security days. After a year or so of friendship, they both developed an intense attraction toward each other and began a three-year relationship. Unfortunately, after the initial feeling of whirlwind romance had faded, they found their personalities (and Touma's past traumas) were subtly ill-suited for each other. Where Touma was spontaneous, emotional, and insecure, Yami was unempathetic, impatient, and could be brutally critical. They often saw the world from perspectives so different that they could not understand each other's viewpoint, which often resulted in misunderstandings. They fought often, particularly in the last year of their relationship. Eventually, Yami decided that they were not going to get along any better no matter how hard they tried, and broke up with Touma.

Despite the bitter end of their relationship, this was not the worst relationship in Touma's past — in fact, it was one of the best. This, Touma thinks, is why it hurt so much. His preference would have been to stay together and keep trying, because the bad times might have been frequent but the good times were amazing, and, in his opinion at least, worth a little discomfort. He hasn't fully realised yet how toxic such a relationship would have been, because all of his other relationships were so much worse.

Since their breakup, their paths occasionally cross in the pursuit of their respective occupations. Yami heads a well-known private security company, exploiting a loophole in the Quirk Use laws which allows limited Quirk use by non-Heroes in order to directly defend human lives. Yami moved on after their breakup fairly quickly, and is currently an important point of contact for the Double Impact Agency. Touma avoids him wherever possible, leaving Kin to deal with him on work-related issues.

▮▮▮ KENJI SESSHOU ⸻ ❛ Landslide ❜

    〔 villain nemesis

Early on in his career, Touma was involved in several conflicts with the criminal organization headed by Kenji Sesshou, an old and canny villain with the ability to destabilise and warp the upper layers of the ground. Their first clash was coincidental; those that followed were not. Kenji was infuriated by the nerve of this young upstart Hero who hadn’t even bothered to set up his own Agency yet, while Touma found Kenji’s attitude pretentious and entitled, on top of being disgusted by his actions as a villain. At each subsequent battle, Touma went out of his way to be as obnoxious as possible. This infuriated Kenji almost as much as being consistently forced into retreat. Their enmity eventually reached the point where Touma had to fend off more than one legitimate assassination attempt. Touma badly wanted to rise to meet Kenji’s challenge, but many of his closer friends warned against it, telling him that that was exactly what Kenji wanted. Eventually it was decided that Touma would in fact act as bait for Kenji, carrying out his Hero work as normal while other Heroes shadowed him in disguise, waiting for the villain to make a misstep. It took several years of gradually whittling down Kenji’s forces before the effort paid off.

Kenji spent five years in Tartarus before escaping during transport to a hospital on the mainland. He continued to cause trouble for everyone but especially Touma for the next eight years. Eventually, Kenji cornered Touma on his own, forcing him to fight for his life, one against five. Touma surprised everyone involved, but especially Kenji, by killing all five.