
 all in one! cat and garden
12814727_hFq3rzHp08yBbqR.png bean

 ▶ t h e  b a s i c s 

full name: bean
io calls her gata (cat in greek)
dogsneeze’s faunium
found on november 17

 ▶ p e r s o n a l i t y 

sweet - loves contact - quiet - scaredy cat - doesn’t like meeting new people - fidgety - shy - introvert

a very sweet cat, loves contact once she gets to know someone, doesn’t meow very often, mostly makes “mrrph” noises, a scaredy cat, doesn’t like meeting new people, fidgety, doesn’t stay in one spot unless she’s relaxed, shy around new people or in new places, introvert

biggest strength:

big weakness:

 ▶ p a s t 

read more about faunium here
before becoming a faunium, bean was a stray cat who froze to death during the winter. she wandered around for months until she stumbled upon io’s forest. the spirits residing in bean realized there was a witch nearby and she moved to leave but she was intercepted by io. io allowed bean to stay in her forest and since the forest is protected by a powerful witch, it’s very safe and bean decided to stay.

 ▶ c o m b a t 

 ▶ weapon of choice 

will not fight, would just run

 ▶ powers and skills 

she’s a regular cat, can climb trees pretty well and run very quickly

 ▶ l i k e s / d i s l i k e s 

 ▶ favorites 

color: purple
food: fish
drink: water
animal: other cats
music: ???
hobby: being pet
place: by the fire

 ▶ likes 

 ✔ being cuddled
 ✔ being picked up
 ✔ being around people
 ✔ catnip
 ✔ fire
 ✔ warm places
 ✔ yarn

 ▶ dislikes 

 ✘ cold places (phobia)
 ✘ loud noises
 ✘ io’s crows
 ✘ being cold
 ✘ squeaky toys (too loud)
 ✘ hard cat food
 ✘ thunder

 ▶ t r i v i a 

 - voice: makes this noise a lot,+ meowing
 - star sign: scorpio
 - alignment: lawful good
 pet the good catto  

 ▶ d e s i g n 

usual expression: full grown cat
eye color: glowing white
fur color: white and grey with black spots
build: slim catto
height: 10"
important characteristics: 
 - has chives growing in her
 - has a halo
 - visible bone on her front leg and back
 - missing ear
other notes:
 - does the tongue thing
 - bean is a short haired persian cat

 ▶ s t a t s 

created: mar 2019 
method of acquisition: adopted

 ▶ ribbons 
