
Name: Daniel Star
Name Meaning: attractive

Age: 15-16

Ethnicity: American

Height: 6'4 ft (193 cm)

Birthday: December 18
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Languages: English

Personality: Daniel has a cool demeanor, and can come off as very intimidating at first. However, he is nothing but kind, and is very soft hearted. He's very determined, and while he may act like an idiot when he's around his friends, he's in fact very smart and is good with academics. He's very athletic, and likes to play sports, however he refuses to join a sports team. Despite his looks, he's actually quite oblivious when it comes to girls, leading him to have never been in a relationship. He's also quite emotional, and will jump to conclusions and easily panic over silly things. But he's extremely caring, and can be pretty serious when needed.

Likes: cats, pasta, painting, music, comics, watching tv
Dislikes: rain, heights, roaches, mornings, laying around all day, shooter games

Extra Facts:
- Daniel's magical ability is thermal manipulation, meaning that he can affect the temperature of anything he touches, so he can make things really hot or cold, to the point of burning or freezing things. This also allows him to generate fire or ice by manipulating the temperature around his hands.
- His family consists of his mother and father, and he is an only child
- His mother has heat vision abilities and his father has ice formation abilities.
- He and Red have fat crushes on each other, but they're both extremely oblivious about it. Everyone else can tell how obvious it is though.
- He started attending magic based schools in middle school
- His father works as a guard for the elemental stones in the magic council. This is a secret job.
- Although he likes to play sports, he only sees it as a hobby and does not wish to take it seriously, hence why he refuses to join a team.
- He usually helps Red with her studies.
- His favorite things to eat are peanut butter noodles and chicken sandwiches.
- He loves strawberry flavored milk
- His favorite color is Black