0. Marc (persona)



5 years, 2 months ago


M a r c

21 ✦ he/him ✦ sacravian



Quiet, lowkey antysocial young man. Since he's still growing up, his angel-like powers are still not fully developed. He actually loves to spend time with his friends, but he's also terribly inexperienced when it comes to interpersonal interactions and acts very awkward in social situations. He's fascinated with any kind of paranormal, magical, or spiritual stuff, and gathers knowlegde about any kind of activity like this in his area + collects lots of magical items etc (as a typical sacravian he's a terrible messy hoarder). Pretty talented art and philology student, but almost fails every year etc because he's also a depressed chaotic ass and misses half of his classes.

sexual orientation: pan & polysexual // lives in central Europe but doesn't feel really connected to his country // aesthetic stuff: pinterest.com/masvart/marcsona 


Rather tall, slim, mostly pale, with lots of freckles and marks. His hair is naturally blonde, but he dyies it a lot. It's also usually messy, a little bit wavy, shoulder lenght. Even though he can hide in 100% human form, whenever he can he preffers to stay with longer elvish ears and a tail. Most of his clothes are black, but he can wear anything. Loves piercings and chains. SHOULD WEAR GLASSES BUT I HATE TO DRAW THEM YES THANKS

  • art
  • peace
  • shitty pop music
  • nature
  • doing things on his own
  • noisy people
  • crowded places
  • meat
  • death
  • disrespect



Powers etc

He's not sure what his sacravian element is yet, if any, but he still have rest of typical angelic abilities: he can sense any unnatural creatures and actions around him, even if hidden, can feed on only energy and meraki if he needs and shapeshift partially (mostly change/add himself any body parts, but not change the whole body). He also can change his physical gender anytime (as angels are genderless creatures) .


Ker - boyfriend

Katie - younger sister
Werter - best bro
Gris - that one unnatural friend he can eat souls with and who still isn't tired of him talking about kpop boys all the time somehow

profile html by Hukiolukio