


5 years, 1 month ago


sweet dirty boy

- hates the heat 

- hides from the sun like his life depends on it 

- wriggles his way under bushes/between rocks/anywhere the sun don't shine

- slaps his body right down in any dirty ol' puddle if it'll help him cool off

- he's constantly covered in mud/sticks but he doesn't give two shits

- loves napping

- he's a sleepy boy

- a tad on the gluttonous side

- he can resist the temptation of food but will also gorge himself given the slightest opportunity

- I love him

- likes puddles and all that but absolutely cannot stand thick, clinging muck

- it makes him deeply uncomfortable 

- loves harassing toads

- you will be hard pressed to make him run

- but his endurance is top notch 

- he can trot for hours on end but would rather be swallowed whole than go for a sprint