


5 years, 3 months ago


name- Malware
gender- male
rank- robotic

personality: Broken- Malware is a robotic usagi that has never been fixed. although the resident mechanic refuses to give up and continues to try and fix him, despite the fact malware will brake him self again. He is very mentally unstable, this causes him to attack himself and other robotic type. he is blind in his left eye after it was broken though he can still seem to sense if someone is there. Malware is highly unpredictable and very aggressive, only the brave or stupid will approach him. if you find your self faced with this usagi, ensure that you make no sudden moments and you back away and out of sight slowly, if he seems to be aggravated (you will hear a glitching sound coming from his crystal) then it is best to remain still and wait for him to pass

other: he is very broken and may attack other robotic types for being in working condition, the hanging wires are live meaning touching them may hurt or f water touches them it causes him to fry and become in a worse state. the life crystal on his chest is broken, meaning he should no longer be working but despite this he still walks around. Sometimes the lights on his wings will be off or sparking as well as the flame.