

"A ball, tonight cover your eyes by touch and taste We'll find our way ." - Delain, My Masqurade

0.93 m
Personality Traits
Calm, Musical, Whimsical, Formal
Human turned Dragon
Based on Zimbabwean & Italian
LA dragon gazes upon a sea of masked faces. She is the queen of the masquerade. She calls for her familiar and waits for a silence to fall. Chatter dies away into a thick quiet. She strikes her bow. One echoing note and then a second. And then her song plays in full. A haunting viola melody that drifts and floats over the crowd. With its melody comes a gaggle of ghosts, spirits and phantoms of every sort. They float between pillars lined with tinsel and wander past crystalline statues. Her castle is a phantasmal haze of specters. A light snow patters softly against the window as the masquerade reaches its peek. It is a fine distraction. And these days every dragon could use a distraction. She has hosted balls since teenhood, since the days before dragonhood. The day before the curse swept the land turning soft flesh to armor-hard, shimmering scale. Turning hand into claw and feet into talon. In her human years she was an elegant lady; tall slim woman with thick black hair cut short. She was something of a mystery to her guests, her face never revealed. She supposes that the mystery will carry and hold now that her real face has been replaced by an elongated dragon one. Even so she is compelled to wear her mask. It is what remains of her human life. She holds them still, the masquerades. Now more than ever they are important. Perhaps one day things will settle and she will know which dragon was which human. Perhaps one day she will be human once more

Other facts;
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Talents: Ballroom Dancing and Playing the Cello
Intersests: Candle Making and Ballroom Dance
Quirks/Notable Features: She plays the violin and can communiate with spirits. Enjoys crystal candle holders
Theme Song: Delain - My Masqurade
Dream Voice Actor:
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • no

Lucian Lucian is her husband.

N/A N/A.


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